New MacBook Air

So…last week I decided to order a new MacBook Air. They haven’t been updated in almost two years except for speed bumps. Since I know they will be updating it soon, I wanted to get a new one before the ports changed. When they released the MacBook they took away all the ports except for the USB type C connection. I like all the ports on the current MacBook Air. I don’t want to lose the SD card slot. So because I don’t want it to change so much. I ordered a new one and it arrived today! Yay! It has the 3.2 Core i7 chip, 8 gig of ram and 512 SSD storage. Of course it’s fast and wonderful. I probably didn’t need to get it. I’m retiring in July and probably won’t use it much unless I travel. Now my husband has the old one. It’s his computer to deal with. If he breaks it, it’s his problem. hehehe