Hair Cut

It’s the last day of February! Today my husband got his hair cut. It was a bit different than he usually gets so I had to take a picture. Not sure if the picture actually captures the changes but I tried.

I think it looks really good. He has that little swoop up in the front that I think is different. I like it.

I walked 2.09 miles inside today.


For our anniversary I gave my husband a glass vase. The modern version of the 3rd anniversary gift is glass. It is a huge vase so he was able to fill it with these beautiful Lillies. They have opened up now and look beautiful!

I only did .88 miles inside today but my overall all day mile count was 4.47 miles. We also went out to dinner today at Silver. It was much better than the first time we went there.

Winery Visits

My husband hasn’t been feeling well the last two days but today he felt good enough to go to two wineries. We went to Tarara Winery and Lost Creek Winery. Here he is tasting some wine at Tarara. We had a good time and tasted some nice wines.

I walked 2.03 miles indoors this afternoon.