Trail Walk

Today I decided to take a walk on the trail and look for birds. I didn’t find any new birds but I did see some icy creeks. I thought it was beautiful.

In other news our horrible president said this about immigration: “Why do we want all these people from ‘shithole countries’ coming here?” Can you believe this is the leader of the free world? What a shithole racist he is. I don’t know how much more of this man I can take. Our country is so embarrassed by his words. It’s so sad. He really needs to be removed from office.

Total of 3.65 miles today.


It’s been really cold lately! Today I ran errands and on my way back over the Potomac river I noticed it was frozen. While stopped in traffic I pointed my camera to the river and snapped a picture. Not the best but you can see that it’s pretty frozen.

1.66 miles today.