White Doves

This evening we went to the National Cathedral to see “les colombes” a multimedia art installation by Michael Pendry. “les colombes” means white dove in French. It was so cool to see the flock of doves hanging from the ceiling of the cathedral. We were masked and they limited the amount of people who could go in at a time but it was still cool to see it in person.

Cathedral Visit

Yesterday we took a walk up to the Cathedral to see the decorations. I was so pleased that I was able to walk up that big hill to the Cathedral and not feel winded. I took some nice pictures while we were there. The iPhone 11 Pro Max has such a good camera system!

Concert and Dinner

Late this afternoon we went to a concert at the National Cathedral. The music and singing were beautiful. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Then we went to La Piquette for dinner. I love that place. I had a delicious half chicken while the husband had duck breast. And we had a wonderful bottle of wine. We had a wonderful evening. When we came out of the cathedral the sun was beginning to set and it was the golden hour. Of course I had to whip out the iPhone and take some pictures. I love golden hour.

I walked 1.37 miles before the concert today.