Snow Walk

It snowed last night. We only got about 1 inch but it was enough to get my husband out of school. I walked inside today. I walked 2.03 miles. But instead of taking yet another picture of the hallway, I stuck the camera out the kitchen window to show what it looked like today. I love how the sun is hitting the tops of the trees in the afternoon.

Bird Watching Walk

Today I walked 2.02 miles at Huntley Meadows Park in Alexandria. I went there to go bird watching. I added 6 birds to my count for the year. I’m up to 8 birds now!

Here are the birds I saw.

#8 Wood Thrush

#7 Tufted Titmouse

#6 Golden-crowned Kinglet

#5 Pileated Woodpecker

#4 Red-bellied Woodpecker

#3 Lincoln’s Sparrow

Date Night Walk

2.76 miles today. I went so far because I counted the distance from the car to the restaurant for date night dinner. We went to 2 Amy’s for pizza. It was good! We had a nice bottle of wine can caught up on the date. It was a lovely evening.

iMac Ram Upgrade

A couple of weeks ago I showed you my new iMac. In this video I show you how to upgrade the ram on the iMac. Mine came with 8 gigs of ram. I bought 32 more gigs of ram. When finished I’ll have 40 gigs of ram. Click play to see the video.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

If you’ve been reading my blog for years, you know that I keep a bird count. I photograph, identify and post pictures of the birds I see throughout the year. Last year I only recorded 32 birds. I guess I was busy because in years past I’ve recorded way more than that. Since I’m retired now I hope to go bird watching more often and break my record. I think the most I’ve recorded is 56. I think this year will be the year I break that.

Today I started off with two favorites. It was only 19 degrees outside so I don’t think many birds were out today. Maybe on a warmer day I’ll find more birds.

#1 White-breasted Nuthatch

#2 Carolina Wren