Supreme Court Hearings

Today was such an emotional day. I haven’t mentioned it but for history I feel like I need to record it. Today Dr. Ford was questioned about her sexual assault allegedly committed by Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh. It was raw, it was honest, it was emotional. I watched all 9 hours of the hearings. I feel so bad for her. After her testimony many were convinced she was credible and true with her accounts.

Then Bret Kavanaugh took the stand and he was angry and yelling and blaming. He performed just like a rich, white kid who feels he deserves to be seated on the Supreme Court for life. I feel like he was not telling the truth or credible. Our country is split right now. I don’t think this is the time to be putting someone like him on the court. The senate is making a mistake if they vote for him tomorrow. It will ruin many lives for years to come.

In other news, we had a Twitter tasting this evening and tasted 5 different chardonnays. They were okay but none of them stood out as amazing wines.

I did not walk much today. I was consumed with the hearings. I did walk a total of 1.44 miles. But not with the exercise app.