
Today my husband came home from spending 5 day with his family in New Orleans. This evening we exchanged gifts since we weren’t together on Christmas Day. For some reason I have no pictures of me opening my gifts but a few of him opening his. I think we both enjoyed the gifts we gave each other. I got some pajama pants, some shaving supplies, candy and a nice gift card to the Apple store!

Walking Outside

Today I had a good walk outside. I walked just over two miles. This time I went up low incline hills and got my heart rate up over 100 bpm. I felt really good and didn’t feel too tired at all. My heart worked great. I’d like to get up to three miles but that will take some time. I was also able to close all three rings on the Apple Watch today. I haven’t lost anymore weight this week though. I’m still at 214. All in good time.

Back To It

Now that I’ve had a heart attack and have started to get my nutrition figured out I’m going to get back to walking. I started yesterday by just taking a little walk around the neighborhood. It was a nice day and I walked on flat sidewalk. I didn’t want to get too heated or get my heart rate up to high too fast.

Today I got back to the treadmill. It was a cloudy day and didn’t feel like walking outside. I walked just over a mile and kept the speed at a decent level. Again, I didn’t want to get to hot or get the heart rate up. I did walk much farther than I did yesterday though so that’s a good start.

Merry Christmas!

I continue to feel really good. Yesterday I took a walk for the first time. I walked a little more than half a mile. NO chest pain at all! It felt good. Each day I’ll try to do a little more. The cardiologist said it was okay to build back up to some good exercise but not to overdue it at first. I’ll take it easy.

I’m just enjoying more Christmas movies today.

I’m Home

I was able to come home yesterday. My friends were going to come pick me up but they were in a meeting and couldn’t get to the hospital for a few hours. My husband flew out yesterday for his annual visit to his parents house for the holiday. At first he wasn’t going to go and then he was going to change his flight time but it was too expensive. I told him I was fine and that he should go. He was upset but he went.

Turns out I ended up taking an Uber home from the hospital. I know…that sounds horrible but it really was the easiest way to get home. It was no big deal.

Once I got home I cleaned up a bit and then relaxed the rest of the day. That’s what I’m doing today. Just relaxing and taking it easy. I’m also watching a lot of Christmas movies.

Happy Christmas Eve!