The virus is getting worse. There were more than 30,000 new cases today! That’s crazy. We are taking more and more precautions when we go out. We are trying not to go out too much. When we go to restaurants we eat outside. We are wearing masks every time we go out. We are wearing rubber gloves and masks when we go to the grocery store. My husband has his on backwards in the photo but he’s learning. I’m thinking of making my own masks. I can learn how to do it. Until then, we’ll use the medical masks we were able to get.
Month: April 2020
My husband and I were out walking today getting some great exercise. The weather was nice and there were birds flying around. I looked up to see if I could see any around. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking and tripped over an uneven sidewalk square. I felt down and got the injuries you see below. Luckily I didn’t hit my head or face. But I did slam my phone into the sidewalk. Clearly it’s not working correctly. So I just ordered another one. It will be here in a few days. I hope the cuts heal soon because they are hurting right now.