Family Gathering

Today is my older sister’s birthday. Since I’m in Knoxville and most of my family is here, we decided to go out to dinner to celebrate her birthday. My brother in law took us in his boat to the restaurant. It was fun riding in the boat. We had a good time getting there. It felt good to be with everyone and share memories of mom and celebrate my sister. Makes me wonder if we’ll stay in touch and get together in the future. Mom always worried that we wouldn’t get together when she died. We’ll have to work hard to make sure we all stay in touch.

My Mother Died

This is the last picture taken of my mother. My older sister took it of her this morning at the hospital. Mom had been in the hospital since last Friday for the same reasons she’s being going to the hospital…fluid retention, heart valve issues, etc. She was not getting better. My sister had a conversation with my mother and they decided to have mom go to my sister’s house instead of being in the hospital. I talked to my mom on Sunday and she spoke like I’d never speak to her again. She was right.

My older sister and I drove down to Knoxville early this morning. We didn’t get there in time to say our goodbyes. The ambulance was there delivering mom to my sisters house. They got her in the kitchen and she was talking and asking for a glass of water. My brother and another sister were talking with her. And then she just died. She was still on the stretcher when my older sister and I arrived. We barely got out of the car when my brother came running out saying she had passed. My sister was hysterical. I couldn’t believe it. We went inside and got to see her and say our goodbyes. They then took her back to the hospital.

I’ll be here a few days to help make arrangements.