More Birds

My friend Jill and I went to the National Arboretum to see what might be blooming. It was much but there were a lot of birds. I was able to add five more birds to my count. I also took a few other pictures at the Arboretum.

Birds I added to the list:

#24 Brown Thrasher

#23 Northern Mockingbird

#22 Pileated Woodpecker

#21 White-breasted Nuthatch

#20 Blue Jay

Happy Easter

Today we spent the day with the Dails. We had brunch and mimosas and candy and wine. It was a fun day and it was great to spend time with the whole family and with Max’s girlfriend. They have tons of birds in their yard so I was able to add more birds to my bird count.

And here are the birds I saw.

#19 Mourning Dove

#18 Eastern Bluebird

#17 Red-shouldered Hawk

#16 Red-headed Vulture

#15 European Starling

#14 Tufted Titmouse