Right Wing Eye and Stuff

I was browsing blogs today and I ran across this link on DanBlog. He mentioned it was on another site. It is a very funny take off on the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy show on Bravo (which I happen to be watching as I type). It's on the site for The March For Women's Lives. I had heard about this march from a friend. (If YOU decide to come to DC to attend the march, you know you can stay with me.) Anyway, check out the funny cartoon and then think seriously about attending the march.

Even though it's spring break, I went to school to do some work. It's amazing how much work you can get done when no one is there and you don't have 25 kids biting at your ankles. I got there about 8:30 am and didn't leave until about 1:30 pm. I can't believe how much work I got done. I'm pretty set for the rest of the school year. There isn't any big projects that will need to be done between now and the end of the year.

When I got home for school I had a message from my mother. I called the voice mail and listened to the message. Turns out her bid for the condo she put in yesterday was accepted! She now has a place to live. In less then a week she has sold her house and bought a new place. She will leave closing with enough money to renovate the bathrooms and buy some furniture. She is very pleased and relieved. I am too! Now all we have to do is pack shit up and throw shit away. Shouldn't be a problem. I'm really good at both. We've got plenty of time so there's no hurry.

After talking to my mother on the phone, I went downstairs to the exercise room and did two miles on the treadmill and did the weights. I figured out on Sunday what weights I wanted to lift and how much weight to put on each exercise. The system we have in our exercise room is an old Universal System. I don't really care for it but it will work for me. It seemed like the weights were really heavy today for some reason. I used the same about of weight but damn, it was heavy! I was tired but pleased with myself for keeping this up for two days.

After the work out I was tired but I wanted to do some cleaning around my house. I started with my balcony door. It makes a terrible noise when it slides across the tracks. So I vacuumed it out really good and then got some soapy water and washed the tracks. It seems to be sliding better but I think this summer I'm going to have to call someone to fix it correctly. I think the rollers need to be replaced or something. After that I was feeling pretty good so I kept going. I preceded to vacuum and dust my whole house. I hate dusting but I did it anyway. So now my house is clean. I feel good. I'll be able to lay around and enjoy my spring break for the next few days. Yeah!

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