To Lube or Not To Lube

On Saturday I received the latest issue of OUT magazine in the mail. I was busy all day Saturday so I didn’t have time to check it out. Last night I had some time to look through it and read some of the articles. There was a decent article about David Sedaris and his latest book “Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.” I’ll definitely have to get it. I’ve enjoyed a few of his books before so I’m sure I’ll enjoy this one. I continued to flip through the magazine when I came upon a little black envelope. It was a free sample of Wet Platinum. I pulled it out and set it aside. I then finished looking through the magazine.

Later I was cleaning up things around my desk and found the Wet sample. Knowing that May is National Masturbation Month, I decided to celebrate. I had to decide if I was going to try the sample or go dry. Normally I’m a dry kinda guy. I mean, I hate getting all messy unless I’m going to get in the shower right after. Most of the time though, it’s a quick yank into some tissues before bed. But this time I had a reason to get messy. I wanted to check out this Wet sample. So I popped in some porn and ripped open the little black sample. Hmm…this kinda feels good. Just as they advertised, it didn’t get sticky. It didn’t dry out. It was actually very nice. I could keep this stuff going for quite a long time. But of course I really couldn’t. Before long the celebration came to an orgasmic end. Very nice.

From this little celebration and experimentation with the Wet sample comes a question. Do you prefer to lube or not to lube? The vast majority of my masturbatory activities have been dry ones. I’ve had the occasional lube session when I knew I would be jumping right into the shower but most of the time I’m dry. What do you prefer? To lube or not to lube?

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