I am well aware that the mainstream media manipulates the public with their headlines and their opinions but I'm getting so sick of seeing this stuff everyday. Why can't they just report the facts and keep their opinions to themselves?
The next time you read the paper, look at the headlines and think about what they are saying. Are they reporting the facts or do they slide their opinion in there with the words they choose when writing the headline. I know the Washington Post is conservative and all but I can't help but think that I can't believe anything I see in their paper….actually I read it online. Everyday I see the headlines and cringe thinking they could have said it a different way to only report the facts and not include their opinions.
Is it just me or does anyone agree with this? I know, I'm late to the game because TV and print media have been doing this forever but I'm noticing it more now that I'm concerned about the election. Clearly the post is slanted towards McSame and away from Obama. I'm just sayin.