Another year has come to an end. Personally, it’s been a wonderful year. Being with the boyfriend has made life bearable during tough times.
Actually, I haven’t had any tough times really. I’m thinking about how troubled our country is and the problems we face in the future. I’m hoping 2008 will usher in changes in our country. As I have mentioned many times in the past, it’s time to get rid of the current administration, regain our respect in the world, and get back to low deficits and stronger times.
I found the poster below on DIGG. I hope we don’t see this kind of crap for real in our country. I’m very happy personally but wish our country would change soon. That’s been the most depressing part of 2007. And I just want to say that Fox News should die in 2008. Hopefully more people will realize just how fake their “news” is.
The boyfriend and I are approaching our 3rd anniversary. We are very happy together and enjoy spending time together. I see nothing but success for us in 2008. We’ll have lots of fun and enjoy lots of wine in the new year.
Here’s wishing everyone a wonderful New Year!!