
In case you’ve been living under a rock or something, the iPhone will be released today. I don’t know how you could not know about it. It’s been on every news program this week and all over the web.

As a huge Apple fan I would love to have one of these phones. There are 4 Apple Stores within a short distance of where I live. I could go and get in line to be one of the first but I won’t be doing that. I love all the features of the phone but I simply can’t justify buying it.

I hardly use my cell phone now. It stays off most of the time. I only use it to call the boyfriend or call my voice mail to get my messages. My current cell phone service isn’t up until January. Even when that time comes around I don’t think I’ll be getting the iPhone. Plus, if I did the boyfriend would require I take him out to dinner for a meal that costs close to the same amount an iPhone would cost.

Besides the fact that I barely use my cell phone, and the fact that my current cell phone service doesn’t expire until January, I really can’t afford the iPhone. The plans they have set out aren’t that expensive but it’s the cost of the phone that is too high. I got my kitchen renovated this year, just had laminate floors put in, and have other priorities for my money so I can’t afford the iPhone.

Now, of course if anyone out there would like to buy the iPhone for me, I’ll have the 8gig model, please. I’ll take care of activation and the service plan. I’ll be happy to send you my P.O. Box address so you can send it my way. Thanks!

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