Day 252 of 365

Today was the first day of school. This is my 23rd year…and this was one of the most difficult beginnings I’ve had in a long time. I have a very difficult class this year. I’ve got several students with educational issues and behavioral issues. I had one student pee his pants. I had one parent demand their child not be in class if we were going to see the Obama speech (my grade level didn’t watch it). The power went out half way through the day and was out for almost 2 hours. I only had 12 minutes for lunch after getting all my students set up with lunch. I only had time to pee once today. I had no planning periods…or breaks. I am dead tired and plan to go to sleep early. I don’t care what people say, teacher’s will never be paid enough for what we do.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.


  1. Sorry to hear about your tough day.

    Just remember, it will soon be the weekend. Grab a bottle of nice wine and relax this weekend.

    Oh and I hope Mark doesn’t work in the Dept of Homeland Security, LOL (Check his comment)

    And how does it feel to be a podfader, that’s F.A.D.E.R. ?


  2. At least you didn’t have to come home and do a podcast 🙂

    I work at a government agency, and I can relate. It is a rare day that somebody doesn’t pee his pants.

    Hope things get better!

  3. Sorry-sounds like a rough day. I couldn’t do it. I’m not a kid-friendly person so I give you lots of credit. Are there people who actually say teachers are overpaid?

  4. I saw on CBS News that one school in suburban Chicago flatly refused to allow parents to have any say in whether their kids could watch the speech (viewing was mandatory for all the kids) because it would set a dangerous precedent to allow them to decided on a day-to-day basis what will be taught and what will not.

    I thought of you like Wes did, but also because there was a report about teacher layoffs all over the country. I suppose that’s the bright side to your day: You’re still there.

    Rest well!

  5. I thought about you when I heard parents stamping their footsies over the president’s speech. How lame they can’t even let their children hear the president wish them well in their academics. This world is fucked up. Sleep well, and hope your day is better tomorrow. No pee-pee pants for sure.

  6. Ahhh Archerr, I’ve had too many days like that one…If I were there I’d give you a big hug and tell you it’s got to get better…It will be ok tomorrow…Hugs,John.

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