Staying Connected

Often I spend the weekend at the boyfriend’s house and I always take my MacBook with me. I like to stay connected and check my e-mail and surf the web pages I like to read daily. The only problem is getting a connection at the boyfriend’s house. While he has a computer and a great connection of his own, it’s not wireless. I’m so used to using my MacBook that I sometimes find it cumbersome to switch to the PC and use web mail. I like the feel and ease of having my mail program come up and check my mail for me. It also puts all that nasty spam in a place I don’t have to look at it.

Anyway, the point is that stealing wireless connections at the boyfriend’s is very hit or miss. Sometimes I startup the MacBook and it finds a strong connection without a password and I’m off and running. Other times I start up the MacBook and it can’t find a connection or those it does find are password protected. I think there should be free wireless connections all over the city. Of course that’s impossible but it’s a nice wish.

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