Back in May I planted seeds in the square pots on my balcony. They started to grow awhile ago and I thought I was only going to have pots full of tree, leafy plants growing. Nothing was happening. The flowers weren’t blooming. Then two weeks ago the marigolds started to pop out. And then last week the other flowers began to grow. They are red, yellow, and orange. I have no idea what kind of flowers they are but they are kind cool looking. I hope they continue to grow during the summer. I guess if I keep watering them and keep an eye on them, they will. We’ll see. Below you can see how they are growing. I think at one time someone told me what the flowers on the right side were but I can’t remember now. They are beautiful even if I don’t know the name of them. The only odd part is the leafs that are under the green leaves and flowers have turned yellow. I don’t know why. It might just be the progression this kind of flower. Anyway, I like the way they are looking.