Weather and Feeding Tubes

The weather was absolutely beautiful today! The sun burned through the clouds early and was out all day. The temperature hit almost 70 today. It was a great day to get out and enjoy the weather. I was able to do all my walking outside today. I heard the birds chirping. I saw lots of bugs getting out to enjoy the weather and of course I heard lots of children playing in the warm weather. I walked 6.39 miles! The most I've done in a long time.

I haven't weighed in too much on the Terri Schivao drama but after hearing that the pope was put on a feeding tube it's time to say a few things. I think the congress was wrong to get into this debate. This is a family issue and should have been settled a long time ago. It has run it's course through the courts and it's time to let that poor woman die. Now, I also think the pope should be denied a feeding tube. The man is a puppet as it is. Every time you see him in his window it looks like someone is holding up his arms with a stick behind him. It's quite funny. I think it's time to let him die and pick a new pope. He's got so many things wrong with him that he can barely function. How can people actually believe that he is still running the catholic church? Then again, I have problems with organized religion and don't believe in it at all so maybe I'm biased.

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