
It's been an interesting weekend with my mother. She's 77 years old. I don't have to tell you that as we get older we begin to become the parents and they become the children.

Late last week I learned from her that she went to see a dermatologist to have some spots on her arms checked. She found out that one of them is cancerous. At first they gave her an appointment in December to have the spot removed. After talking with the boyfriend, I insisted she call and get an earlier appointment and tell them you don't think you should have to wait. She did and got an earlier appointment. She'll be having it removed later this month. I'm going with her to ask all the questions that she didn't think of asking when she found out it was cancerous.

Early this morning as I was driving home from the boyfriend's house, I got a call from my older brother telling me my mother had been in a car accident. The back end of her car was hit by another car running a red light and going through the intersection. Her car spun around a few times before coming to a stop. Luckily there was an off duty police man at the same light and saw the whole thing. He quickly went to her aid and told her not to move. Once he determined that she wasn't hurt or in any pain, he called my older brother and filled him in with the details. My brother took care of the car and got my mother back to her house. I met them there shortly after. My mother was pretty upset about the whole thing and was still shaking from the experience. We stayed with her for several hours getting her calmed down and getting all the insurance info taken care of. She'll be getting a rental car tomorrow and hopefully will get her car back in a few weeks. The driver's side rear was pretty messed up and the wheel was bent in so maybe the rear axle was broken. Not sure since we haven't heard from the insurance company about the details of the car.

She's fine now but this episodes remind me yet again that I'll be keeping a close eye on my mother more and more. When Homer talks about the issues with his mother, I can relate more than he knows.

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