I was very pleased to hear today that Howard Dean endorsed John Kerry. Dean said he would encourage his supporters to back Kerry. I think this is a good development. We need unity and the more endorsements that Kerry can get from the former Presidential candidates, the more it will show that the party is together. They sounded very positive about their working together to get Bush out of office. They pledged to combine forces to oust Bush. ABCNews.com had a decent article about their rally today.
Nothing new to report about work. Same ole, same ole. However, the weather was beautiful today. It truly felt like a spring day. It started out early with some showers but by 9:00 AM the sun was out in full force drying up everything that had gotten wet during the night. I was actually able to do some of my daily walking outside. I didn’t walk as far as I would have liked but I still felt good about the milage I did walk. And I was able to soak up some of the wonderful sunshine. I’m tempted to wear shorts to work tomorrow. It’s supposed to be 75 degrees by the afternoon. I would actually do it but I’m afraid that my white legs may scare people away. I’ve toyed with the notion of going to a tanning salon this year so that I don’t look so white. Maybe during spring break I’ll check into it.
I’m missing Brad this week. He’s been busy every night this week and we haven’t been able to get together. We e-mail and talk on the phone but it’s not the same as actually being in his presence, touching him, hearing his voice as I watch his lips move. We’re getting together tomorrow night so I should get over this missing feeling as soon as I see him and am able to hold him. My friend Michael and I went to Panera Bread for dinner on Sunday night and I had one of their root beers to drink. The caps of the Jones Sodas (the kind they sell at Panera) have little messages. When I opened mine and read the cap, it said, “You and your partner will be happy in your life together.” Good feelings. I can’t wait to see Brad tomorrow night.