Years ago I was a member of Netflix. I think I might have been one of the first memebers. At that time they only had like 10,000 movies. That sounds like a lot but when you break it down by genre, it’s not that much. When I was a member I had all the gay themed movies on my queue. During the time I was a memeber, I watched ALL the gay movies they had at that time.
Anyway, I decided to re-join Netflix and see they have over 70,000 titles now. And there are so many new gay titles that I haven’t seen. I’ve got my queue lined up with lots of titles that I’m looking forward to seeing. Today I just got Eating Out in the mail. And I’ve already sent back The Night Listener and TransAmerica. While I enjoyed both, they weren’t that great. I didn’t think TransAmerica should have gotten an Oscar nod. you have any suggestions for movies I should have on my queue? Let me know.