Day 183 of 365

I should probably shave one of these days. I just love being off work for the summer and being able to be lazy when it comes to things like shaving. I also like to have the time to do things like update my blog to new software and fix all the old entries.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.


As you can see, I’ve upgraded to WordPress. I hope the feed is working and you were able to get the latest podcast. Please feel free to leave a comment letting me know you were able to get the latest episode or about anything. Be patient, all the archives will be up in time. Thanks!

Day 117 of 365

As you can see from the thermometer in my car it was 94 degrees outside this afternoon. Seriously, what happened to Spring? And of course the AC was off at work today. And it’s still off in my condo. I have been sweating for 48 hours. I am smart enough to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. I can’t stand the heat!!! You can see how hot I am in the picture below. It looks like I have a sun burn but actually I’m just hot. I can’t wait for this heat wave to break!

Day Ninety of 365

In this one I’m flushed and my hair is a bit sweaty because I just got back from doing a boot camp exercise program after work. I think I’m going to be doing this two days a week to get me started. We’ll see how it goes.