It's the beginning of a new month. When this happens I have to remember to go around my house and turn all the calendars to the new month. I forgot this last month and one of my calendars stayed on April for the majority of May.
This is also the beginning of hurricane season. We always hear how bad the season is going to be. They told us last year there would be lots of hurricanes but that didn't happen. How much can we believe them this year? I think we'll just have to see how it turns out. There is already a tropical storm in the gulf. Maybe they'll be closer to their predictions this year.
At this time of the year I think about the end of the school year coming. Looking at the calendar and seeing the whole month at a glance makes it easier to see the end of another school year. I'm finishing my 20th year of teaching in just over 2 weeks. I can't wait. I enjoy the summers so much. Once the summer begins, it ends so quickly. The summers just fly by. The warmer temperatures and the longer days already make me think summer is here. I'm so ready to relax this summer.