Dental Floss

The boyfriend and I were at a winery on Saturday and while he was grading some papers I was thinking about floss. I know, that sounds odd but I was talking to the guys on my podcast about floss and while I was killing time at the winery I was thinking about the conversation.

Do you use floss? I think there are so many people who don’t. I use it several times a week but not everyday at every brushing. For years I’ve used the old fashioned waxed floss. I haven’t been that happy with it though. The wax comes off in your teeth and I don’t like that. So I’ve been thinking of changing floss.

The question is, “What kind would you change to?” There seems to be so many kinds of floss that it’s hard to choose. The first choice is between string or tape. The tape seems good because it’s flat and will slide between your teeth easily but it might miss some of the food stuck there. The string is good because it seems to get those bits and pieces that the tape misses. But sometimes the string is too big and hurts when you force it between your teeth. How do you decide?

Then of course there are the new kinds of floss out there. You have floss that is flavored. You have floss that is designed just for tartar control. It’s got some kind of sand paper or something on the string that cuts through that nasty tartar. You can also get any combinations of these variations as well.

I find it all too confusing. There’s a reason to get each one but I can’t imagine having 4 or 5 different boxes of floss in my medicine cabinet. What should I do? I think I will just try to find the floss that is just string. No wax, no favors, no tartar control. None of that for me. What do you think?

March Is An Animal

You know the old question, “Did March come in like a lamb or a lion?” Well, with today's weather it is really hard to say which it was this time.

Our day started out very nice. It was sunny and clear and it got up to 50 degrees. But by the afternoon it was very dark and cloudy. The rain moved in during the late evening and now we are under a flash flood warning for tonight.

So considering the difference in the weather today, how did March come in for me? Like a lamb or a lion?

Phone Found

I think my early onset Alzheimer’s was kicking in yesterday when I was looking for my phone. I was racking my brain trying to figure out where I left my phone. It’s very unusual for me to forget where I put something. I usually know where everything is and where I put things. I don’t know what was happening to me yesterday.

Turns out my phone was in my car. My car has cupholders exactly like the ones in the picture. There’s a little sliding cover that goes over the cupholders to cover them when not in use. On Saturday when the boyfriend and I went to dinner, I must have put the phone in the cupholder and closed the lid. Then on Sunday when we went to wineries, the boyfriend took his phone and I didn’t have to think about mine. Then last night when I was being anal and getting things ready to start the week I was looking for my phone to put in my briefcase to be ready for work and couldn’t find the phone. I was panicking about where the phone was. I was driving myself nuts. I had gotten myself so worked up that I had convinced myself I’d have to get a new phone, a new number, and hope no one had used up all my minutes on the found phone. Alas, I was worrying for nothing. The phone was safely in my car waiting for me to retrieve it. I’m such a dork sometimes.

Lost Phone

Crap! I think I lost my cell phone. I had it last night when the boyfriend and I went to dinner with firends but this morning when I went to look for it to take it with me when the boyfriend and I went out to wineries, I couldn't find it! I've never lost my phone before. What do you do? Will I have to cancel the phone service? Will I have to get a new number? What should I do?

So Sad

I know it’s already been all over the news and every blog I read but Anna Nicole Smith died today. At this point I haven’t heard the cause of death but I suspect it’s drug related. So sad.