Dead People

Is it me or have there been a lot of famous people dying lately? In the last few weeks a good handful of famous people have died. Here are just a few:

Frank Perdue (the chicken guy)
Johnnie Cochran (the OJ lawyer)
Terri Schiavo (the vegetable)
Saul Bellow (famous writer)
Pope John Paul II (that pope guy)
Prince Rainier Grimaldi (prince of Monaco)

and finally, Bubba the Lobster. He was a 22 pound lobster that was saved from being eaten and taken to the zoo. Shortly after his move he got a bacterial infection and died. Damn, they should have just eaten him and been done with it.


Poop. Crap. Shit. Dump. Everyone does it. You have to or you’d explode. The thing is, not many people talk about it. It’s almost a taboo subject. Generally I’m a pretty regular guy. However, when I travel or visit someone my body realizes I’m not in the comfort of my own home and shuts down. My body just says nope, not here, it’s not home. So I end up not going until I get home. I’ve worked at the same place for 18 years but have never taken a poop at work. I know some people can just go anywhere at anytime. There’s a guy at work who goes everyday at the same time and is proud of it. He talks about it like it’s a big accomplishment. I’m just not like that.

What about when you’re dating someone? When does your body realize it’s okay to poop at their place? Again, my body shuts down and won’t let that happen. I’ve been spending a lot of time with W. lately. Each weekend I spend with him my body just won’t let it happen. It hasn’t realized that his place is safe. It usually takes me a long time to feel comfortable to poop at someone else’s place. So imagine my surprise this weekend when my body realized W.’s place is safe and let me have a poop. I was amazed! I think that says a lot about how comfortable I feel at W.’s place when my body let’s that happen. I was pleased. And there’s nothing like the feeling after a good dump. hahahaha

Kicked My Ass

On Sunday we moved the clocks forward one hour. This didn’t effect me on Sunday at all. But last night and today it has kicked my ass. Last night I stayed up to watch Desperate Housewives and by the time it was over I was dead tired. It was really 11:00 when it was over but my clock was only saying 10:00. That’s already 30 minutes past my bedtime but 30 minutes doesn’t usually effect me too much. Well, I fell right to sleep last night but woke up at 3:30 AM which is really 4:30 AM, my regular wake up time. 3:30 was just too early to get up. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn’t. All day today I’ve been really tired and out of it. I hate this time change. I usually don’t have a problem with the Fall time change because we gain an hour but when we lose an hour it totally messes up my sleep schedule. When I got home from work today I decided to take a little nap. An hour later I woke up and cursed the time change. Anytime I take a nap it’s difficult for me to fall asleep at my regular time. But I was so tired I needed a little nap. It will take a few days to adjust to the change and I’ll hate it until I get back to my regular sleep pattern.

I heard on a news show yesterday that the time change has nothing to do with the farmers. It actually started out in Germany and then adopted by other countries in the early 1900’s. It has been an on and off thing in the U.S. since 1918. In 1986 legislation was enacted that finally made it permanent. And it has nothing to do with farmers needing more daylight time to work their fields. The basic premise was to have more daylight time period, for everyone to take advantage of daylight hours. Well, with the abundance of lighting fixtures we have today, do we really need this change? I say no. However, we had plenty of light in 1986 so I guess the only reason the U.S. adopted legislation was go along with the rest of the world. Whatever. I hate it.

Just A Game

Every morning I play a game with myself. I watch the news from the time I get up until the time I go to work. I don't really watch it but it's on in the background while I do other things. I listen while taking that first morning pee, making my bed, eating breakfast, brushing my teeth, checking e-mail, etc. I make mental notes of the major national stories that are presented on the news. Then when I get to work I make sure I have the TV on and ready to watch the beginning of Good Morning America. I've been watching that show for probably 20 years now. Anyway, I try to guess what the lead story will be on the show each morning.

This morning the news had several national stories they were playing over and over. Scott Peterson, Michael Jackson, and Bernie Ebbers (Enron fame) were the major stories. But which one would get the attention of the lead story for the day? I thought the Bernie Ebbers was strong enough to get the lead but then I thought that Scott Peterson hadn't been in the news lately and they would be announcing his sentencing today. So I switched and picked Scott Peterson. Sure enough as the show opened there was the mug of Scott Peterson. I won! I didn't win anything except the simple joy of guessing the right lead in story. What fun!

Now, what will be the lead in story tomorrow? I'm betting on the Robert Blake not guilty verdict.

Ides Of March

The “Ides of March” simply means the middle of the month. Each month has an Ides. The warning, “Beware the Ides of March” came from William Shakespeare’s play “Julius Caesar.” In the play Caesar is warned about March 15th, that something could happen on the 15th. If he had heeded that warning, the world might be a different place today.

On my “Ides of March” a guy confirmed he would no longer be my friend. Might I be Caesar and he be Brutus? Hardly! What happened on your “Ides of March?”