Weather Signs

Even if I didn’t watch the weather to know that we are supposed to have some wintery weather coming our way, I’d know it by a few signs that always tell me disruptive weather is on the way. I don’t feel it in my bones or anything like old people do. Usually, there are two ways I know the weather will be changing.

The first is that my sinus’ always act up before a major weather change. Today my sinus’ have been acting up. My nose will spend a few hours completely clogged or it will be runny and need tissues constantly. When this happens I know the weather will be changing.

The second sign is that my students at school really misbehave. Around Wednesday their behavior started to go downhill. Today their behavior was just awful. They wouldn’t stay seated, they kept talking all day, and they got on each other’s nerves most of the day. In the 18 years I’ve been teaching, this has always been a sign that bad weather is on the way.

And if those signs don’t work, I can always watch the news to hear the winter weather will be returning to the DC area this weekend. Hopefully, it won’t be so bad to cancel my photo shoots this weekend.

Car Wash

After it snows your car gets covered with that nasty white salt that they throw on the roads to melt the snow. Since the snow we had last weekend, my car has been almost completely covered with salt. My side windows were a cloud and hard to see out of in darkness. I decided to stop by the car wash on my way home from work today.

I haven’t taken my car to be washed in a while but knew it would cost some money to have it washed. I pulled into the car wash and sat in line with the others wanted to rid their cars of the salt. The board that lists the prices wasn’t in view yet so I wasn’t sure how much it was going to set me back. The weather today was pretty nice. It got up to 46 today and the sun was out for quite a while so the line was rather long. I finally got up to the board and saw the price for a superwash was $18.50. Damn, that’s higher then I remember it being. But my car really needed it so I decided to go for it. I also decided to get that stuff put on the wheels that make them really shiny. Add on another $1.50.

They vacuumed out my car and drove it up to the door. I watched as they pre-washed parts of the car. I wanted to yell over the noise of the car wash for them to give a little extra scrub to the wheels but I didn’t. I feel that if I tell them how to do their jobs they will do something bad to my car. They won’t of course but I always feel that way. So I watched it as it went through the wash and it was looking pretty good. It came out the other end, one of the guys jumped in and drove it to the drying area. 6 people got to work drying my car. Not bad. There were a few marks on the hood that didn’t come out that probably need some scrubbing but at least it was clean and all the salt was off.

I got in the car and realized why I hate to have other people wash my car. They always move the seats! I don’t know about you but I work for what seems like hours using the power seat thing to get my seat just right. Then I never move it. All the way home I kept moving it this way and that and it still didn’t feel right. You know how you get something just right and you get used to it being that way. I hate when I have to fix everything. Then I look out the window at the passenger side mirror and realized they had collapsed it to go through the car wash and didn’t put it back so I couldn’t see out that mirror. Again, I get used to using that mirror and it bugged me all the way home that I couldn’t move it without stopping and getting out of the car.

When I got home I got the mirror back in place and I think I got my seat back in place. I guess I should expect this when I go to the car wash. I just hate it though. I shouldn’t let the little things bug me. I’m too set in my ways and like having things just right. Oh well, the car is clean at least.

Missed Post

I think this is the first time in more than a year that I have missed posting something. Yesterday I was just too busy and didn’t make the time to write anything. I had plenty going on but just didn’t write anything. For those of you who check in here daily, I’m sorry for my lack of posting yesterday.

Yesterday I started the day digging my car out from the little bit of snow we had. They warned us about possibly getting 10 inches but I think the most we got was 4 inches in my area. Other areas saw less accumulation. After cleaning off my car, I had a photo shoot with a new model. He also happens to be a photographer himself. I think I got some nice shots. They might be a bit more erotic than my usual photos. He and I traded tips and shared what we knew about photography. We might plan a shoot together sometime in the future.

Then last night I hosted a small get together for some people from work. I had to de-fag the house though. I and 2 women from work were entertaining a third woman. We were keeping her busy so she wouldn’t find out about her surprise party. We hung out here for a while, drank some wine, had some snacks, and chatted about school shit. That’s always fun. Then we headed over to a local bar where her husband and about 50 friends were waiting to surprise her for her 50th birthday. It ended up being a total surprise and she had a great time. I had a few too many beers for a school night though. Luckily we went to school two hours late today so I was able to sleep a little later.

It was a very busy weekend and I have busy weekends to come as well. But I’m going to do my best to post at least something every day.

It Is Quiet

The snow began to fall around 10:30 this morning. It started out slow and the flakes were as small as gnats. Now it’s falling like cherry blossoms in spring. The flakes are as big as nickels. The sky is almost completely white with each snowflake fighting for space in the air. The ground is already covered with a thick blanket of white. It’s expected to continue through the night and on into tomorrow morning. Those who predict the weather are saying there will be up to 10 inches of fluffy frozen water droplets by the time it comes to an end.

Before it started snowing heavily, I decided to take a walk in the white goodness. I took my camera to record what I saw. I walked around the condo grounds all the while my hair becoming flecked with white. I stopped in a few spots to take photos of bits of snow sitting on branches or resting on logs. It was so quiet I could hear the fall leaves crunch under the snow as I took each step. You couldn’t hear any children playing. You couldn’t hear the roar of cars driving on the beltway nearby or any plows pushing the snow to clear the way for those brave enough to venture out. The flakes just continued to fall silently and stack up on the ground unnoticed. It was quite a beautiful scene. Once it finishes in the morning, I plan to head out again and document what took place during the night. It will be very quiet early in the morning.


As they say, “It’s as cold as a witch’s tit in a brass bra”. Last week had pretty warm temperatures and they warned us that this cold wave was coming. Well, it’s here. It was so cold and windy today that schools in my area opened two hours late to give buses time to get started and warmed up and if any weren’t working, time to get them working. It was a nice slow back to school after a 3 day weekend. We’re supposed to get some snow tomorrow around noon. But not much. They say an inch or less. We might see a little snow on Thursday. Of course, I hope they are wrong and we get a huge blizzard and it screws up the festivities for Bushie.

This week is crazy. We had Monday off, went to school two hours late today, and we’ll have Thursday off for Bushie. So I’m really only working 2 and a half days this week. Nice! Getting in my little SUV this morning and putting my ass down on my ice cold seats reminded me that I REALLY want heated seats! My next car, whatever it is, whenever I get it, WILL have heated seats.

Things are crazy here in DC for the Bushie thing on Thursday. Roads are shut down, schools closed, security is crazy, and there are just too many Republicans in town this week. It sucks big time. I won’t be attending ANY of the events planned this week. You won’t catch me anywhere near DC this week. Luckily, I live 7 miles from DC so it’s not bad out here in the burbs but you hear about it all over the news and the traffic seems a little heavier than usual. It’ll all be over soon…in 4 years. I just hope it’s really cold on Thursday.