Rainy Day

It has rained for about 12 hours today. It's been dark and rainy and that just about sums up my mood today. I just don't feel like discussing the election anymore. I'm just sick and I need time to get over it. Most of the blogs I read daily had written something about their reaction to the election. They did a much better job articulating the general feeling. I won't rehash it again. I'll just say that I am still upset about it. This frustration and sick feeling may transform into action in the future. I might have to do something to make myself feel better. Whether it's joining a local democratic group to help in some way or it's completely ignoring and avoiding all republicans, I'm not sure. I just know that something will have to happen to make me feel better.


It’s that time of the year again. It’s when all the mail order companies start bombarding me with catalogs. In the last two days I’ve gotten 5 catalogs in the mail.

I’ve gotten 2 L. L. Bean catalogs. One is for their outdoor gear and clothing line and the other is just for their men’s clothing line. I have never bought anything from the outdoor gear and clothing catalog so I don’t know why I’d get that one. I have ordered from the men’s catalog but not for a very long time. I did look through it and found some things I like but I won’t be ordering anything. I don’t need any new clothes. I also got a Land’s End catalog. Again, I looked through it and found several shirts I liked but I don’t need any.

I also got two J C Penney catalogs. How in the world I got on their mailing list I’ll never know. I don’t have one of their credit cards, I don’t think I’ve ordered anything from them for a good 4 years. Who still buys things from J C Penney anyway? I think I did get my bathroom rug from them years ago.

Finally I got the Potterybarn Holiday Decorating Issue. I have bought several things from Potterybarn in the past but not recently. I guess you stay on their list forever. This catalog has some very nice things but I don’t decorate very much for the holidays so I won’t be buying anything from them. They have tons of beautiful furniture but at very high prices. I’ve already bought an entire house of furniture from Store House furniture so I don’t need any furniture. I love furniture from Potterybarn though. I just can’t afford it. It’s nice to look at in the catalog though.

I guess if I didn’t get any catalogs at all I would be wondering why I don’t get them.

Fall Sky

The stratus clouds layer the sky like a stack of freshly folded sheets. Many of the leaves on the trees have begun to lose their chlorophyl. Will it rain this evening? I think it just might. Will the rain shake the leaves free and force them to reach the ground. I fear it just might. In no time the trees will be bare and the sky will be filled with gray clouds. Before you know it, the smell of winter will be in the air. We will begin to talk of snow. I would hate to live in a part of the country where you didn't see the seasons change like we do on the east coast. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the chill in the air, the bright colors displayed in the trees, and the hint of winter to come.


It’s amazing the amount of mucus your body produces when you are sick. My nose has been producing more mucus then I can keep up with. My nose is either stuffed up or it’s running like a faucet. I didn’t sleep very well last night. I was up to either blow my nose or pee all night. This morning I went to Target and stocked up on cold medicine to deal with the symptoms while this cold runs it’s course. At this point in the day I’m feeling better. The headache is gone thanks to asprin. The cough has subsided considerably. I’m pretty much just dealing with the nose and all the mucus it continues to produce. I haven’t been very hungry today and I think it’s due to the amount of mucus running down my throat and coating my stomach fooling my brain into thinking that I don’t need food. Therefore, I haven’t been eating much all day. Not the best way to drop a few pounds. Thank goodness this is a three day weekend. I have one more day to get close to normal before going back to work. I hate to take days off from work so I’m glad I’ll be able to sleep late again tomorrow.

Of course I’ve been a slug all day. Between laying on the couch watching TV, blowing my nose, and sleeping, I’ve had time to completely rework my photo galleries. The main photo page is the same but once you click on one of the galleries you are taken to a new page with navigation buttons and thumbnails of all the photos in the library. Again, a big thanks to Patrick for introducing me to a little plugin for iPhoto that lets you export and create photo galleries right through iPhoto. I spent most of the day reworking my photo galleries. I added some pictures to existing libraries. I was also able to work with the CSS to use my site colors. The header isn’t the same as my regular web site pages but the colors are there. I think it looks pretty good.

Now I’m off to lay on the couch some more. I might do some reading since it seems there isn’t anything worth watching on TV tonight.

I am Sick

I've been feeling a tingling in my throat all week and it's not the kind of tingling I like…if you know what I mean. My sinus' have been acting up all week. Yesterday they started draining and running down my throat (gross, I know) and tickling my throat making me cough. Today it hit me full force. I woke up with my head all clogged up and I could barely breath. All day I've had that tickling cough that's driving me crazy. I couldn't sleep last night because the cough kept waking me up. I hate that. Tonight I'm taking some drugs. Tomorrow I'm going to get some cold medicine so my head will feel better. I hate getting sick. However, this isn't the kind of sick where I stay in bed and not do anything. I'm feel fine except for the sinus' and my throat. But it sucks that I have to get this crap on a three day weekend. I was hoping I'd get lucky this weekend but that won't be happening now. I'm going to bed now. I hope I feel better in the morning.