A Second Date

So I have a second date on Saturday night. The date is with B. He's the guy I had a first date with last week. On our first date we went to dinner and then back to his place to watch some TV and well, um, you know. We didn't get into any deep discussions and I actually don't know all that much about him. I mean, I know the basics but nothing of any substance. I don't know anything about his relationship history (I totally avoided that conversation) or his stance on politics, etc.

Our second date will be out for dinner again and then back to my place to see a DVD. I'll let him pick the movie. I hope to find out more things about him on this date. I already know he's a nice guy but I'd like to find more things we have in common, about his politics, his views on issues, and how he loads his dishwasher. You know, the important things. We've talked on the phone a few times but just about day to day happenings. I would also like to find out about his relationship history. Has he been in a long term relationship? How long did it last? Why did it break up? What is he looking for in a guy? How does he feel about monogamy? I doubt I'll get to find out all of these things. And it's a bit much for a second date maybe. In any case, I'm sure we'll talk about more substantial topics. Should I be nervous about the second date? Does even having a second date mean anything more then just a second date?

Hmm…should you have sex on the second date?

The Sexiest Part Of A Man

I've been thinking a lot lately about beautiful bodies, male bodies of course. Thinking about all the parts of a man's body I miss and how sexy they can be. Some might say that a man's cock is the sexiest part. I would have to disagree. Some might say his earlobes, or his nipples might be the sexiest part. Again, I have to disagree. While those parts are wonderful during a hot and steamy session, I find different areas of a man's body to be sexy.

One area I really find sexy is the small of a man's back. If the man is really in good shape and is smooth, I can run my hand over the small of his back and feel the smoothness and the curves and really get in a sexual mood. I've had the pleasure of experiencing men like this in the past. If the small of the back curves up to meet the beautiful round globes of his ass, even better. Oh, the things I can do with my tongue in this area. It just gets me going.

A man with a beautiful ass with the right curve at the small of his back most likely has those ass dimples that I find so attractive. They arch at such an angle your hand could fill up the empty space. I find this whole area, the ass, the dimples, the small of the back to so sexy. Maybe it's because I'm a top, I don't know but seeing a really hot man laying face down showing a muscular smooth ass just does it for me.

Damn, am I horny or what?


Well the first day is over. It started at 4:30 AM. Yes, during the school year I actually get up at 4:30 AM. And people wonder why I go to bed at 9:30. I need a good 7 hours of sleep. Tonight, however, I feel like I need 12! It's not like I have to be at work early or anything. My arrival time is officially 8:30 but I like to get there early and get all my work done so that I can leave when the last kid walks out the door. It was a long day but everything went fine. The kids were fine, the parents were fine, everything went as expected. Except for the last bus. It didn't arrive until 4:30. It was almost 5:00 before I got home. I have a few hours to relax and do a few things for school tomorrow and then I'm off to bed. The first day is always very tiring. It will get better. It always does.


Should you have sex on a first date? If you do, will you look like a slut? And if you don't, how will you know if you are sexually compatible with the person? If you don't have sex on the first date and you wait a month or so and get to know the person, then have sex, what if you find you are not sexually compatible? Will you have just wasted your time and his? Some would say that if you don't have sex on the first date and you get to know the person and really like the person, it won't matter what the sex is like. Well, if you are very sexual person and sex is very important to you, then it would matter. Ah, the questions. What are the answers?

A Date

I have a date tonight. My work on Match.com is finally paying off. I discovered a profile I found interesting and conjured up enough nerve to write him an e-mail. It took awhile to get a reply because he was on vacation but he did reply with a very nice message. Phone calls were placed and plans were made. He sounds very nice on the phone. I'm sure we'll have a nice dinner and conversation. This is the first time I have ever asked a guy out. I usually wait for someone to ask me out. My confidence level is high. Remember, I'm being proactive here. But I haven't started registering at Crate and Barrel yet. Wish me luck!