
Yesterday I admitted that I'm addicted to blogging. I asked myself why I felt the need to blog so much. Well, after thinking about it for awhile, reading more posts on the Tribe, and browsing the blogs I read (now up to 72) I think I've come up with a good answer to that question. Or at least an answer the makes sense to me.

Belonging. In my adult life I have not belonged to any groups, organizations, clubs, sports teams, or associations. I think I've found any group that I'd want to belong to. Well, I like bowling but they meet on days and times that I'm not free. I would also like to join a gay book group but I don't think I would like the books they want to read. I don't know why I haven't joined any groups as an adult. I think the sense to belong has always been in my nature but I've never had an outlet to belong. I guess you can say I am apart of the gay community but even in that community they don't accept everyone and it's very fractured into different groups. I don't belong to any of them. Even as children we want to belong, be accepted, be liked. That has carried over into my adulthood. Being apart of this rather small (compared to the masses on the internet) gay blog community fulfills some of that need to belong, to be accepted, to be liked. It seems as though all these guys (and gals) just accept you right into their blog family. It doesn't matter how tight your abs are, how big your cock is, what you write about, or how many hits or comments you get on your site. They welcome everyone. The gay bloggers group is like a kickball game in elementary school and instead of being the geeky guy they pick last, you're the popular stud that they pick first. That's what it feels like. You may not actually be the popular stud but it doesn't matter to these guys. I feel like I belong. Now if I could just find a gay bloggers bowling book club, I'd be really excited!

A Trip To The Dentist

This morning I went back to the dentist to have the permanent crowns put on. I had the first part done 3 weeks ago and I was in pain for the rest of that day. Today I knew there wouldn't be any pain so I wasn't anxious at all. I have to remember though, that I shouldn't make the appointments so early in the morning. My appointment was at 9:00 this morning. That's actually an odd time for my dentist. Usually they make appointments like 8:20 or 2:50. I rarely get one scheduled on the hour. They also usually run on time too, but this morning they were already about 10 minutes behind when I got there at 8:50. Anyone who knows me knows that I arrive early no matter where I'm going. I don't run on gay time for anything…social or otherwise. So anyway, I'm sitting there waiting to be called and I recognize someone who comes in as soon as I sit down. My dentist is in the neighborhood where I teach so it's not unusual for me to run into a parent of student I've had in the past. This guy was one of those parents. I was going to just enjoy the latest issue of Architectural Digest but instead I sat and chatted with him for a few minutes. Luckily before we ran out of things to talk about I was called for my appointment. I hate running into parents outside of school. There's nothing to talk about except their kids. Anyway, I went in, sat down, and they began putting the permanent crowns on. It only took a few minutes and the bite was fine. My cute dentist was looking good today. Too bad I wasn't having nitrous oxide or I could have felt him up again. I'm finished with the dentist until next June.

Bad Drivers

I know there are bad drivers all over the country but it seems like they all drive around the DC area. Being off in the summertime I am able to run errands during the day when most people are at work. I have it figured out that between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM the roads are the most clear. Today I was out running errands (Giant had low carb items on sale) and sure enough I get behind some asshole from Maryland (no offense to the Marylanders). For as long as I can remember, Virginians think Marylanders are the worst drivers and at the same time Marylanders think Virginians are the worst drivers. Both states have bad drivers, I know. But this guy (yes, a white guy, not all bad drivers are older asian woman) in front of me was the worst. He was sitting at the light in front of me reading the newspaper when the light turned green. I hesitated because I knew he'd notice the light change and get moving. I swear at least 30 seconds (which is a LONG time when you are sitting at a light) passed. He didn't move! I gave a light tap on the horn. He jumped, realized the light had changed, put his paper down, and got moving. I wasn't too pissed because at the next light I'd be turning left and I'd be home. So as we approach the next light I got into the turn lane and passed him in the traveling lane. As I drove by him he was shouting out his window at me. Hello?! I wasn't the one reading a newspaper at the light, asshole! I ignored him but as he drove on by I could see his hand out his window flipping me the bird. Man, I hate assholes like that. He was the one being a bad driver and he's flipping me off? What an asshole. I hope he got rear-ended at the next light he stopped at to read the paper.

And don't even get me started on people who talk on their cell phones while driving. I'll only say one thing: Phone to ear; foot off accelerator.

1000 Words Entry


Being from the east coast and living in a major metropolitan area, I often forget what lies beyond. In the summer of 2002 a road trip reminded me of what else is out there. I drove to the midwest to visit relatives that I hadn't seen in several years. Most of them live on and work on farms. Life in the midwest is slower, simpler, and quieter. The people there aren't attached to their cell phones, palm pilots or lap tops. Most of them don't even have these items. And an internet connection is rare where my relatives live. Wireless connections were unheard of. During the few days I was in the midwest, I learned to slow down and take it easy. I learned that nothing is so important that it had to be completed or e-mailed or faxed that minute. It would get done eventually. Don't get me wrong though, the people in the midwest are very hard working people. But their work is more physical then mental. They have deadlines to meet, projects to complete, and people to meet with. Of course their tasks revolve around the farm. The cows need to be milked, the hay needs to be cut and baled, and the like. Their lives just don't seem to be so rushed. They don't seem to always be in a hurry like the people on the east coast. While there I learned to take time to appreciate the surroundings, see the beautiful landscapes and just enjoy the time. Spending time with my relatives allowed me to get to know them better and understand their lifestyle. I'm planning another trip to the midwest again this summer. I plan on taking my time to enjoy what there is to see and I plan on spending quality time with the people I plan to visit. I also plan to take hundreds of photos.


You can please some of the people some of the time but you can’t please all of the people all of the time. -unknown

so……please yourself first…oh, yea, oh, oh, that feels good, oh, oh, yes!

And on that note, there is a new poll in the sidebar. Vote! The results from the previous poll are as follows:

Looks like vanilla wins but only by one. I’d like to know what fetishes and kink these guys are into. I just don’t get fetishes or kink or even leather for that matter. And what about the “other”? What could possibly fall into that category? Is your sex life so boring that you have to spice it up with stuff like that or what? I think two naked, hard men should be enough. Who needs all the other stuff? Different strokes for different folks. Everyone likes something different obviously.