Four Years Gone

Over the last few days my site was hacked on my hosting service side. I lost all my posts over the last four years. I have all the photos, podcasts, and videos but no posts or comments. I’m just sick about it. I had so many memories posted. And I could kick myself for not using the automatic backup turned on. I had it turned on on all my other sites but not this one. I might try to reconstruct some of my posts but it will take forever. So I guess I’ll start over and begin from today on.

Update! I had forgotten that back in December I had created a copy of my blog on my local computer. Thankfully I was able to just export the entire blog with comments and all and then import it back to my site. All is back to normal I think.

Throwback Thursday

iphoneThrowback Thursday is supposed to be about yourself but I couldn’t let this go. Seven years ago today Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. The iPhone has had a major impact on society and the way we use our phones and access the internet. It does so much. There was an article on the Huffington Post today about seven things the iPhone has killed over the years. I have to agree with each one. Check out the article and see if you agree. Happy Birthday, iPhone!

So here is my actual throwback Thursday photo. This is me in the spring of 1975 when I was in 5th grade singing a solo at the spring concert of the Glee Club. Yes, it was actually called the Glee Club….way before Glee. The song was “Take Me Out To The Ball Game.” The guy in the background wearing the same baseball uniform also had a part in the song. I had a little crush on him at the time but he was oh so straight. Today he’s fat, bald, and has a ton of kids. Anyway, I remember singing that song and getting a lot of attention for that role. My singing career was pretty much limited to elementary school…except for 7th grade where I played Charlie Brown in “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” I had a song to sing during that play but after that I didn’t do anymore singing.

10 Year Blogiversary

Ten years ago today I started blogging. I started my blog on Blogger and under a different name. That blog lasted 7 years until I had to take it down because some asshole reported it to my work place. In 2010 I started blogging under this name and plan to keep it that way into the future. Over the years I’ve posted about 4000 entries and received about 1000 comments.

I checked out the internet archive to see if there were any screen captures of my original site but I could only find this one from 2004, about three months after I started the blog. I noticed on the screen capture that I started a website in 1997. I remember that one. It was on AOL. There is no evidence of that one anywhere.
Many of the bloggers I made friends with years ago are no longer blogging. Homer is still blogging. He’s one of the originals. There are a few others but I’ve lost touch with them.

My blog now is mostly for recording things that happen in my life and for posting pictures that I have taken. It’s become more of a record for me then anything else. I like to look back and see what a posted on certain dates in time. I started restoring the archive back to the beginning but I let that go a while ago. I hope to get back to it at some point. It would be good to have the complete 10 years in one place. Maybe sometime in the future.

About The Banner

Today we went for a walk because the weather was BEAUTIFUL. The sun was shinning, there was a cool breeze, the humidity was very low and it was a perfect spring day. We went walking on the Glover Archbold Trail looking for birds and to enjoy the flowers. There were lots of dogwoods in bloom. I took lots of pictures of them and thought this was one of the best. I also like the blues in the background. I decided to make this the banner and pull out the blue for the background for the blog. I think I’ll keep it for awhile.