Today I got my hair cut. Below you can see a picture of me. What do you think? Well, I think it looks pretty good. (I know I need to shave. I'm off so why shave? hehehe) Although, when the lady held the mirror for me to see the back of my hair, I realized my hair was getting a little thin on top. As I approach my 40th year I guess it can be expected that my hair won't last forever. My grandfather on my mother's side was completely bald and I hear we get our hair genes from our grandfathers on our mother's side. I have brothers who are loosing their hair much more then I think I am. I mean, it's not like I'm bald or anything. It just looks a little thin on top. And I guess the shorter I get it cut, the more you can see it. Oh well. I won't be a comb over kinda guy or a hair piece kind of guy or even a guy who takes drugs to keep what he already has. I know I'm getting older and I can live with the changes that occur as I age. Plus, I still have a full head of hair…as you can see in the picture. I really shouldn't worry about it, right?
Category: Blog
Things To Remember
Things to remember:
1) A broken heart almost never heals.
2) Family is very important.
3) Never go to a holiday party where you only know the hosts.
Back To Work
Tomorrow it’s back to work. I hate Mondays. I shouldn’t, but I do. I have a lot to do at work in the next few weeks before the holidays. It will be a very busy time. I’m sure I’ll get through it just fine.
Historical fact: Today is the 62nd anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama, for refusing to give up her seat on a public bus to a white man.
Another Day
Let's see. What did I do today? I got up early. I fed the cat and guinea pigs for the last time. I went to Giant and to Eckerd. Then I went to my mom's and put up her Christmas tree and decorations. She made turkey sandwiches for lunch. That was good. Then I came home and chatted on the computer. I actually talked with a few guys who sounded interesting. Not sure if anything will come of it but it was nice conversation none the less. I finished my laundry. I watched “To Kill A Mockingbird” on TCM. That is one great movie. The best part is when Scout gives her little speech on the steps of the jail when her father is watching the man in jail. It turns the crowd away when they realize how innocent she is. It's a great scene. If you haven't watched that movie, you should. Gregory Peck was brilliant. I highly recommend this movie. Well, the four day weekend comes to an end today. It's back to work tomorrow. But I can look forward to the next break from work. In three weeks I'll have two weeks off. Yeah! And now, just for your information, Mark Twain was born today in 1835. Sometime in the future I should go to see his home in Hartford Connecticut. I saw it on the CBS Morning Show this morning. It looked interesting.