
We got home today from a small vacation. We had to cancel our trip to California because the wineries out there are all closed because of the pandemic. I lost money on it but that’s life. Instead we went to Charlottesville to visit wineries for a few days. We stayed at the little cottage we stayed at last year. We visited lots of wineries and experienced the different ways they are doing tastings now that they can’t have you inside the wineries. We experienced lots of different tastings. We had a good time on the vacation. We did a good job of avoiding people and having as little contact with others as was possible.

There were 50,273 new cases today. This is just crazy! When will this thing end?

Thank You Dr. Fauci

I’m walking 2 to 3 miles a day now. I’m walking in the neighborhood across from our building. People who live there are trying to show Dr. Fauci how much we appreciate him. Trump has been ruining his reputation and not believing in science. Trump is an idiot. Dr. Fauci is doing the right thing and using science. I love seeing these signs in the yards that I walk by while on my walks.

Happy 4th of July!

We decided not to go anywhere for the 4th. Many of the fireworks displays have been cancelled. They don’t want large groups of people together spreading the Covid 19 virus around. We just stayed home and had our usual meal. This is my husband’s plate because I would never eat the beans. 😂 We also got a small cake from the grocery store. A simple 4th.

Making Masks

Today I started making my own masks. I’ve done a lot of research on YouTube to see how to make them. I also got a bunch of scrap material from Jill. She also gave me some elastic for the ear part. I think I’m going to modify my design to make a pocket for a filter you can put in the mask. When I do that it will have three layers of material and a charcoal filter. I ordered some from Amazon. It’s hard to find all the materials you need to make masks. I guess everything is making their own and buying up all the materials. We know it’s that way with cleaning supplies. You can’t find anything anymore. I guess they can’t keep up with the demands.

Masks at Dinner

We went out to dinner tonight. As is the norm lately, you have to wear a mask. But this time it was a little different. They asked that we keep our masks on until we are going to eat or drink and then put them back on after eating and drinking. I guess they want the smallest amount of droplets to be released. Some restaurants are installing new air systems to filter the air. We’ll wear the masks where ever we have to. I have no problem with that. Although I have seen on the news the crazy people who refuse to wear a mask. They are just plain stupid. I hope they get it and die. Today there were 33,744 new cases! Just a few days ago the numbers were going down. Now they’re going up! This is getting worse and I’m not happy about it.