Christmas Tree

Today we went and picked up our main Christmas tree. It was a beautiful day and we had no problem getting the tree and bringing it home on my SUV.

We spent the day taking our time decorating the Christmas tree and all the other decorations we put up around the house. Of course the tree is the best one we’ve ever had. My husband always says that when we are finished decorating it. It does look nice.

Happy Halloween

Despite COVID Halloween continues on with a few modifications. Masks are mandatory. Candy is set out on tables or in bowls. No knocking on doors. We took a walk around the neighborhood to see what the decorations were like. Here’s just a little of what we saw.

Happy 4th of July!

We decided not to go anywhere for the 4th. Many of the fireworks displays have been cancelled. They don’t want large groups of people together spreading the Covid 19 virus around. We just stayed home and had our usual meal. This is my husband’s plate because I would never eat the beans. 😂 We also got a small cake from the grocery store. A simple 4th.