Special Days

I was a good son today and took my mother out to lunch for Mother’s Day. Since my mother is moving in another week or so, I also helped her move some of her plants and food items to her new condo. I also helped put together some kitchen chairs she recently bought. She’s already had her bedroom furniture delivered and set up. On the day she actually moves, I don’t think it will take long to get her moved or be very difficult. Granted, she’s having a mover do all the work but getting it done will be easy. It’s a plus that’s she’s moving on a week day when most people will be at work. After helping mom with the few things at her condo, we walked around the grounds and saw all the things the place has to offer. This place has a big outdoor pool AND an indoor pool. It’s got a 4 lane bowling ally, a resturant, a bar, a library, tennis courts, and a walking trail. I wouldn’t mind living there myself! I took my camera and took pictures of her new place and some of the view off her balcony. The sky was a little hazy early this morning so the pictures aren’t that clear. I’ll take more when I’m there on a really clear day. Then mom and I went to The Silver Diner for lunch. I suggested somewhere different but she wanted The Silver Diner. We had a nice lunch. I think she was surprised when I paid for lunch. Usually she pays . It was a nice day with mom. Love ya, mom!

I met Shawn one year ago today. We had our first date. We went to Copland’s in Alexandria for dinner and then back to his place to watch The Royal Tenenbaums. I think we talked more then we watched the movie. I know talked a lot. He’s so easy to talk to. I apologized for talking so much and not following the movie. I also learned not to talk too much during movies from then on. We enjoyed a few glasses of wine. Shawn was the perfect gentleman that first night. That was a plus. I was probably in love with him that first night. Time passes and things change. We were together for a few months, then apart for a few months, and now we are very close friends. Knowing Shawn has enriched my life more then he knows. We talked on the phone this afternoon for more then an hour. We talked about that first date and what we did, etc. Brought back great memories spent with him. He asked what I was going to do this summer while I’m off. I said not much. He then said I need to get out and meet people and go on dates. I know what he’s thinking. He probably thinks I’m going to remain single until the time comes that we can be together again. That sounds wonderful but that only happens in the movies. It reminds me of the vignettes from the movie “When Harry Met Sally” where old people met when they were young and then parted and then met again later in life and fell in love. It would make a beautiful gay love story but I’m not going to hold my breath, Shawn. If someone comes along who sweeps me off my feet, I won’t hesitate to develop something. I wish the same for him as well. No one knows what the future will hold. I do know that I’m glad Shawn is in my life. I hope to visit him in Oklahoma this summer. It will be great to see him again. Anyway, our phone call was great. We talked about all kinds of things. The time just goes by without noticing. I hope we’ll keep up these weekly phone calls. I really enjoy talking to him. If you’re reading this Shawn, thanks and get your work done this week! 🙂

Ciinco De Mayo

Today is Cinco De Mayo. According to this site:

“The holiday of Cinco De Mayo, The Fifth Of May, commemorates the victory of the Mexicans over the French army at The Battle Of Puebla in 1862. It is primarily a regional holiday celebrated in the Mexican state capital city of Puebla and throughout the state of Puebla, but is also celebrated in other parts of the country and in U.S.cities with a significant Mexican population. It is not, as many people think, Mexico's Independence Day, which is actually September 16.”

So why is this such a big deal in America? Is it because it seems like half of America is now Mexican? Or is it just another day for Americans to get drunk?

Happy St. Patricks Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I hope everyone reading this had a great day. I’m not a big drinker so I won’t be going out tonight enjoying any green beer. I am sure there will be many other drunk gay men out partying tonight. They can drink a few for me. Not that I don’t drink, I just don’t drink that often. I did, however, wear green today. I picked out a nice subtle green button down shirt. If I was smart I would have used my camera with it’s self timer to take a picture, but I didn’t. I hate pictures of myself so you’ll just have to imagine me in a nice green shirt. I thought I looked pretty nice.

I had a busy but good day. I got many things done and feel very successful. I’m taking off tomorrow so I prepared at work today to be off tomorrow. I got everything done I needed to get done so that I won’t have to worry about not being at work tomorrow. I also feel good about my exercise plan. When I got home from work today, I changed into my walking clothes and went downstairs to the exercise room and walked an additional 2 miles on the treadmill. According to my pedometer I have walked 7.87 miles today. That is very good for me. I usually average between 5 to 6 miles a day. I’d like to walk an additional 2 miles every day. I have to stick to it if I want to loose 10 pounds before my 40th birthday in May (I know I keep saying that, so ignore it if you are tired of reading it). Of course I plugged my new iPod Mini into my ears and listened to some soothing music while walking. It’s such motivation. I think my choice of music wouldn’t impress anyone. It actually might repell some so I won’t tell you want I was listening to. Just know it did the trick for me and I was able to get through 2 miles with no problem at all. I barely broke a sweat. All this exercise is good for me. I went on the Deathclock.com website today and found out, after putting in a few statistics, that I’ll die on Monday, April 10, 2045. That means I’ll be 81. I’m not sure I want to live that long, but it’s nice to know I might. I think 75 is a good age to die. It’s long enough to enjoy retirement but not too old to start falling apart completely. We’ll see if the deathclock is right or not. Thanks to roblog for the link to the deathclock.

While walking on the treadmill I was able to read two more chapters in the book I’m reading. The story is basically about two guys who are ex-lovers who were together for 6 months but haven’t seen each other in more then a year. They are thrown together and spend a day together and talk about everything under the sun, it seems. One section of one of the chapters talked about how they were together for 6 months and the one guy broke up with the other guy on the phone and what a shit he was for doing it that way. That little part reminded me of my last relationship. He and I were together for only 6 months and he broke it off on the phone. I wouldn’t categorize him as a shit but tacky none the less.

While I’m off tomorrow I’m planning on meeting Sweet Brad for lunch. What a treat! First of all, I never take off work. I have 10 months of leave saved up. So it’s rare that I’m not at work. I’m sure I’ll get up at my regular time and do my regular things but it will be nice not to think that I have to rush off to work. Second of all I never get to go out to lunch. It will be such fun to meet Sweet Brad for lunch. He goes out to lunch all the time and it won’t be a big deal for him but for me it will be. And third, I’ll get to see Sweet Brad. I haven’t seen him since the weekend. It seems like forever! I’m sure we’ll chat the entire time we are together catching up on the week and what’s going on with us. I’m excited! I can’t wait! (I’m a dweeb, I know)

Valentines Day 2004

Sweet Brad graced me with his presence this evening. Our “during the work week” get togethers are simple and only last a few hours but well worth it. I enjoy him so much that a few hours spent sitting on the couch watching the news and some silly show on TV makes me feel good. While we were watching TV, we were discussing what we should do for Valentines Day. Well, we’ve only been dating each other about a month and a half so I can’t say the romance is still fresh. Neither one of us could come up with an idea of what to do. Brad admits he’s not good at romance and doesn’t know what to do. I enjoy romance and consider myself a romantic person but I have a hard time coming up with something romantic to do on Valentines Day. If you have any ideas for Brad and I, please let me know! Any reasonable ideas will be taken into consideration.

New Years Eve 2003

Last night (New Years Eve), I had two good friends over for dinner. We enjoyed dinner and sat around and talked about everything from politics to sex. It was nice to talk trash with the guys. It was fun. Then we watched TV. That got us talking about music from the 80's. We flipped around the digital cable music channels and listened to different songs from the 80's. Then we watched the ball drop in Times Square. At midnight we toasted the new year with sparkling cider and shared our resolutions for the new year. We all agreed that 2004 couldn't be any worse then 2003. In talking with friends and family, I've found that 2003 wasn't a good year for many. Here's hoping 2004 is a great year for everyone!