Throwback Thursday

iphoneThrowback Thursday is supposed to be about yourself but I couldn’t let this go. Seven years ago today Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. The iPhone has had a major impact on society and the way we use our phones and access the internet. It does so much. There was an article on the Huffington Post today about seven things the iPhone has killed over the years. I have to agree with each one. Check out the article and see if you agree. Happy Birthday, iPhone!

So here is my actual throwback Thursday photo. This is me in the spring of 1975 when I was in 5th grade singing a solo at the spring concert of the Glee Club. Yes, it was actually called the Glee Club….way before Glee. The song was “Take Me Out To The Ball Game.” The guy in the background wearing the same baseball uniform also had a part in the song. I had a little crush on him at the time but he was oh so straight. Today he’s fat, bald, and has a ton of kids. Anyway, I remember singing that song and getting a lot of attention for that role. My singing career was pretty much limited to elementary school…except for 7th grade where I played Charlie Brown in “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” I had a song to sing during that play but after that I didn’t do anymore singing.

IOS Update

screenYesterday Apple updated it’s IOS to 7. I didn’t download it on the first day because I was simply too busy. I installed IOS7 earlier this evening on both my iPad and my iPhone 5. It looks beautiful and apps load and work smoothly. The color scheme is cool. I love the new icons, especially the ones with lots of new colors on them. Those apps that have updated their look, look great on the new OS. It’s a really nice update to the OS. However, I have already discovered a few things that I do not like. Maybe they will be fixed in future updates.

Podcasts-In this update you can no longer listen to your podcasts through the music app. You must download the Podcast app to hear your podcasts. I really hate this because the Podcast app sucks big time. You have to jump through so many hoops to get your podcasts, listen to them, and then delete them. I really don’t like the Podcast app.

Email-There seems to be a glitch which I’m sure others are finding. When I started up the email app it brought down every single email that is still on all the email servers out there. I have 1176 messages. However, once I go in and read some and delete some, each mailbox individually says there are no new emails but the main mailbox still shows I have 1176 unread messages. That will need to be fixed because as obsessive as I am, I can not stand to see those little red circles telling me there are email messages to read. Ugh!

Security-I don’t have the new iPhone 5s with the new fingerprint recognition thing. I have the iPhone 5 with the basic security features. Maybe I’ve selected something wrong but on IOS7, I have to have a passcode now. I never had one before and I really don’t like swiping my phone and then having to put in a passcode. Maybe there’s somewhere to change that in settings but I haven’t found it.

Update: I found the setting in Settings where I can turn off passcode. Problem solved.

New iPhones

yellowiphoneToday Apple introduced two new iPhones…the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c. There are several new features on the iPhone 5s like the finger print security, improved camera, faster processor, etc. but I think it’s the iPhone 5c that I like best. I love the new design and color schemes. It’s basically an iPhone 5, yes, but I think it looks better. I really like the yellow one! I won’t be getting one though. I’m in the middle of a two year contract that won’t be up until next August. Plus I never get the intermediate iPhones when they are released. I always get the whole number iPhones. So I won’t be upgrading until the iPhone 6 is released next year.

I could go on and on about the new iPhones but I’m simply too tired. I started back to work for the 27th year a week ago and it’s been killing me. I’m exhausted ever evening. I bring home school work every night. I haven’t even watched the Keynote Address from today’s event. Yes, I’m still a very loyal Apple fan but I just don’t have the energy or the time to devote to watching an hour and a half video about the new iPhone. Plus, I have too much work to do. I only have time to update the blog with this simple update. So…are you planning on getting one of the new iPhones?