Mamma Mia

This morning I went to see Mamma Mia. It was the first time in my life that I went to a movie by myself. The boyfriend is still on vacation so he couldn’t go with me. I was just in a mood to see a movie. I went to the 9:50 AM show because I was up and wanted to get the lower price. Even at the matinee price of $6.00, it was probably too much to pay to see the movie. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed seeing the movie. The story was fun, and I thought Amanda Seyfried did a great job acting and singing. And of course there were several hot guys to see in the movie. But the older people in the movie were awful singers and shouldn’t have done any singing. I love Meryl Streep but at times in this movie I thought she was over acting and it seemed fake. Anyway, I did enjoy going to the movie and it wasn’t too odd going alone.

Time To Purge

It’s been a busy day. I heard late last night that the boyfriend arrived safely after a five hour delay at the airport. I felt sorry for him because from the time I dropped him off and the time he arrived in New Orleans it had been about 10 hours. Poor thing. I’m sure he rested last night and is enjoying his family now.

I’ve been very busy. Without the boyfriend to fill my time, I’ve been cleaning and organizing and purging crap in my condo. I’ve thrown away so much that I haven’t used in more than a year. I also cleaned out my storage space and put a shelving unit in there to handle all the crap that I didn’t thrown away but don’t necessarily need in my condo. Things are looking so clean and organized now…not that they weren’t before.

The whole time I was doing all this cleaning and organizing and purging, I was watching Christmas movies. I had all the TV’s on in my condo tuned to Turner Classic Movies. They’ve been playing Christmas movies all day. Here are some that I saw today. I love the old Christmas movies.

Tomorrow I think I will sleep late, watch more Christmas movies and make Christmas cookies. I like the plain sugar cookies with colored sprinkles on top. They are so good with a cup of hot chocolate. It’s supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow but I’ll have the hot chocolate anyway.