New Bird

Bird #57 for the year is the Black-and-white Warbler. We were taking a walk through the Olmsted Woods at the National Cathedral when I saw this bird and was so excited to snap some pictures of it. I was excited because it makes bird #57 for the year which passes my total for last year of 56. Yay!


Throwback Thursday

Not sure if I have posted this picture before or not but for today’s Throwback Thursday I present to you my high school graduation picture. I think I had the Justin Bieber hair before he did! But check out those sideburns and that unibrow! Oh, how times change.


Community Garden

Today we took a walk around the neighbor where Warren lives. There’s a great community garden near by. We’ve been there several times. I always take my camera in hopes of seeing some new birds. I don’t often see a new bird but I sometimes get some good shots of birds I’ve already seen before. I also get some great flower shots as well. Here are a few photos I took on our walk. Click on the picture to see them in a more detailed size.




Super Moon

This evening we had another super moon. At first it was very cloudy and we couldn’t see the moon at all. But then I waited about an hour and went back out and sure enough the clouds had moved away and I got some amazing shots of the super moon. Click the picture to see a larger view.


New Birds

I’ve photographed a few new birds that I haven’t added to my list yet this year. I am up to 55 birds so far this year. I need to get out and find more birds!

#55 Ruby-throated Hummingbird

#54 Grey Catbird

#53 Eastern Kingbird