Edward Gets My Vote

So I went and voted after work today. I was so torn between my three top candidates. But in the end I voted for John Edwards. I know that my vote was wasted and John Kerry will probably win but I wanted to add my support for John Edwards in the primary. As I have stated earlier, I will always vote the party line when it comes to the general election. At my polling place they were using the new Touch Screen system. I was very impressed. I used it in November but I don’t remember them being so sleek and efficient. I was only in the place for about 4 minutes from the time I walked in the door until the time the lady slapped the “I Voted” sticker on my coat. I hope everyone in Virginia (democrat or republican or independent) went out and voted today.

On a side note, when I got home from voting today my favorite parking space was open! I quickly pulled in the spot. If I didn’t have to go anywhere for the rest of my life, I’d leave my car in the coveted space. Alas, I know that is impossible. It’s such a great parking space. I can see my car from my balcony and it makes me feel safe knowing I can see it. Now this might lead the reading to believe that I live in a terrible neighborhood, but the contrary is the case. I live in a good neighborhood where crime is very low. In any case, I was extremely pleased I got such a great parking space. Silly, I know. Oh, the little things that make us happy in life.

Who Do I Vote For?

The Democratic Primary for Virginia is Tuesday. Today I got a call from the Dean camp reminding me to vote for Dean on Tuesday. Now, I’ve been following the primaries lately and it seems as though Dean will be out come Tuesday. I’ve been a Dean supporter since I went to his rally in Falls Church in the summer (see photo below). But I’ve thought for awhile secretly that John Edwards would eventually get the nomination. The question is, do I vote for Dean because I’ve been a supporter of his for awhile, do I vote for John Edwards because I think he’ll get the nomination or do I go with the trend and vote for John Kerry simply because he’s been winning so many of the primaries? I wouldn’t vote for Kerry JUST because he’s been winning the primaries but I wouldn’t want to waste a vote on a guy who doesn’t have a chance of getting the nomination. Why not make Kerry’s win even stronger by giving him my vote? It’s only a primary after all. I’d really like to see John Edwards get the nomination. There’s something about him. He’s got a Clinton (circa 1992) air about him. And I like that about him. I’m sure like many people who will vote on Tuesday, I’ll make up my mind right in the booth. In the long run I don’t think it matters who I vote for in the primary. I’m a democrat and always vote the party line in the general election. I’m so sick of what Bush and his administration has done to our country that I don’t care who wins the primary as long as the nominee wins in November and beats Bush.

On a different note, in the photo above you will see the Dean rally I attended in August. I went with my then boyfriend Shawn. At the time I was happy with Shawn and wasn’t looking at guys or anything. Little did I know that other guys were looking at me. See the guy standing close to the camera on the left with the black t-shirt with white writing on it? Well, that is Brad, sweet Brad, the guy I’m currently dating. I find it amazing that I would take pictures of a future boyfriend at the rally. Of the hundreds of people there, HE had to be standing right in front of me. He tells me now that we locked eyes at one point. I don’t remember that but he says he does. Pretty cool.

Oh, one more thing. Happy 94th Birthday to the homophobic Boy Scouts of America. On this date in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America filed incorporation papers in DC.