Odds and Ends

Today is the 21st birthday of the Macintosh computer. There wasn’t any buzz online that I could see but I wish it a happy birthday anyway. The Mac has a been a great computer for me since 1990 and I know I’ll continue to use Macs and buy Macs in the future.

Today they announced the nominees for the Oscars. I’m embarrassed to say I haven’t seen any of the movies. I think I’ll try to see at least one of the Best Picture nominees before the Oscars at the end of February. I thought it was interesting that The Passion Of The Christ nor Fahrenheit 9/11 were nominated for any of the major awards. I guess both were on the opposite ends politically to be considered for the awards. Better to ignore them then recognize them. I did not see the Passion nor would I ever but I did see 9/11 and thought it should have been nominated at least for Best Documentary Feature. Oh well, what can you say? I was very pleased to see Alan Alda finally got a nod for an Oscar. I hope he wins. He’s been a favorite of mine for years. And it was fun to see that Hillary Swank is up against Annette Bening again. They were up for the same Oscar in 1999 and Hillary won. I kinda hope she wins again!

I was a little pissed to hear that Bush is asking for another 80 billion for the war. The deficit for 2005 is projected to be 485 billion. What is that man thinking? There is no way he will be able to cut the deficit in half in the next 4 years. What a fuckin idiot.

I had a wonderful phone conversation this evening with Homer. He told me the tale of his quest for a public restroom on his way to work this morning. It was quite hysterical! I couldn’t do it justice by recreating it here. Feel free to ask him about it sometime. Rest assured that he did not pee his pants…this time.

Odds and Ends

Today was a typical Sunday. I did laundry, ran the dishwasher and cleaned up my house a bit. I also did some homework for work, watched TV, and played on the computer. This morning I went shopping. I went to The Price Club and bought tons of soap, snacks, and checked out the DVDs but didn’t buy any of those. Then I went to Old Navy. I found some decent jeans for only $20. I’ve never worn anything but Levi’s before but I haven’t been happy with the choices they have so I’ve been looking for new jeans. I’ll try them and see if I like them. I then found some nice sleeping pants for only $10. Good deals.

Today is National Poinsettia Day. I hope everyone is decorating their homes with tons of these Christmas flowers. I don’t have one in my home but I know my mother does. Did you know poinsettias aren’t poisonous? For years I thought they were but they aren’t.

I’m really mad that Desperate Housewives won’t be shown at it’s regular time tonight in the DC area. It won’t come on until like midnight or something. I’ll tape it. Of course the Redskins are playing and preempting the housewives. Don’t tell me what happens. I’ll watch it when I get home from work tomorrow.

Finally, did anyone see the article in the Washington Post about blogging? It was a short article in the Sunday Source section of the paper. It was about how to start a winning blog. Some decent advice. Nothing that all of you who are blogger don’t already know. I just hope millions and millions of people don’t log on and start blogging. I can’t keep up with the ones I read now.

Odds and Ends

I’m even more convinced I need to move to Canada eventually. Today the Supreme Court paved the way to allow same sex marriages in the entire country. Now I have to find something to offer the Canadian people. I looked into moving there but you have to have a skill to benefit their society in some way…a job or skill that is needed there.

I had a sex dream last night about this guy from The Real World/Road Rules Challenge. I have no idea why I dreamed this. This guy is only 20. He’s way to young to be my type. I don’t even watch the show. I pass it when I’m channel surfing. I’ve maybe watched the show for 10 minutes once. In my dream his penis was the size of a famous blogger. It was huge and when it was hard, it was straight as a board. Don’t ask me how I know this.

This evening I archived about 1200 photos in my iPhoto library. I thought I should clean up iPhoto so it would run a little faster and smoother. I still have 1700 photos in the library but it does run a little quicker now.

I also downloaded a few songs from the iTunes music store this evening. Nothing anyone would recognize. They were mostly smooth jazzy type songs. I had a credit on the music store that’s been sitting there waiting for me to use it since my 40th birthday in May. I thought it was time to buy something. I then burned a CD of the music and plan to play it on my Bose CD as I fall asleep.

I also updated my iPod Mini. I synced it with my iTunes, iCal, and my address book. Now it has all my contacts, calendar info, and all the latest songs. I still have a good 300 megabytes left. I’ve charged it up again and it’s time to start using it when I walk around the building at work.

I’m so glad the computer is back to normal. I really missed not having all these features for the last few days. I forget how much I use them and enjoy them when they are gone. I guess that means I take them for granted when I have them.

Sunday Moon

The moon was absolutely beautiful tonight so had to go out on the balcony and try to get a picture of it. Since I’ve been playing with the timed exposure I tried several different times and got the best photo at an exposure of 25 seconds. The others came out way too dark. I was hoping to capture the detail in the moon but it turned into a star. Time to invest in a telephoto/zoom lens. I’ll have to wait until my tax refund. The few I’ve looked at are kind of expensive. While I was at David’s for Thanksgiving I tried taking pictures of the moon but I didn’t have my tripod so they all came out really dark and moon was just a blob. Click the picture to see a larger version.

Have you noticed that I haven’t been creating that many links in my blog entries lately? I’m lazy I guess.

I heard on the news tonight that 45% of Canadians were disappointed that Bush was re-elected. I hope they don’t take it out on us. And I hope Bush starts doing something to change their attitude toward the US. I hope they know we all don’t feel the same way the 59 million who voted for him do.

I had another photo shoot today with a new model. I’ve been told I need to talk to some local bloggers about having them pose for me. A certain blogger would love to see their photos. So you local bloggers should come over and pose for me sometime.

I took a nap this afternoon so I could stay up to watch Desperate Housewives on ABC. I want to see which housewife is going to get the ax. It won’t be any of the main characters I’m sure.

Wow…I a better job at linking things in this post then I have in a long time. I’m proud of myself for taking the time to create all the links. Enough for now. It’s back to the grind tomorrow after being off for 4 days. But I only have 3 and a half weeks until the next holiday vacation! The count down begins now.

Odds and Ends

I'm totally obsessed with Desperate Housewives.

Today DC named their baseball team the Washington Nationals. Who gives a shit?

I see that my site counter is coming close to 10,000. That's pretty cool. The only thing is I won't know who the 10,000th visitor is. If you check in in the next few days and notice you are the 10,000th visitor, shoot me an e-mail and let me know. I'd love to find out who it is. The counter is in the sidebar. Scroll down to see what number you are. Better yet, I'd love it if you did a screen capture and send that to me. That would prove and I'd love to see it.

Today I got an invitation to have Thanksgiving dinner with a colleague of mine. She's a very nice lady. She asked what I was doing and if my mom was cooking this year. I told her the story and she asked if I'd join her and her 16 guests. That was very nice of her but I declined. I've been teaching with her for 17 of my 18 years and have come to know her pretty well. She's a republican. The last thing I want to do is spend Thanksgiving with a republican colleague. However, she and I work very well together. She's very dedicated to making sure my students are successful. I respect her for that. I don't have to respect her for her political choices.

Turns out my good friend David doesn't have any plans for Thanksgiving. I've invited him over for pizza and movies. As of this writing, I haven't heard back from him but I'm sure he'll let me know if he's up for it.

Two more work days and then it's time off. I can't wait.

UPDATE 7:37 PM: David has invited me to his house for Thanksgiving. We are going to cook our own Thanksgiving dinner. He's going to get a small turkey, a vegetable, and stuffing. I'm going to bring potatoes, cranberry sauce, and a desert. Of course I'll have pictures! Thanks David! This might become my new tradition.