Fall Has Arrived

Today I walked 2.42 miles in the neighborhood. I wanted to see how the fall leaves were progressing. Today was the first day I felt like the leaves actually looked like fall leaves. The colors were so vibrant and bright! I think that’s because of the rain we had a few weeks ago. This one street looks so beautiful!

Fall Walk

It was chilly this morning but it’s going to be warmer today than it was yesterday. I walked 3.16 miles on the track at AU this morning. When the sun came up enough to light up the other side of the track, this is what I saw. Beautiful!

Shorter Walk Today

It rained all morning so I couldn’t get out and walk. The sky cleared up this afternoon and I was able to get a shorter walk in today. I walked 1.17 miles. It was really humid and the sun was hot. I just couldn’t go anymore. It is just way too hot for October 9th. I really need those cool fall temperatures to return!