Rainy Day

It was raining outside today. I had to walk inside. As you have read before, I hate walking inside. So I went out to lunch with a friend first and then walked inside. I walked 2.52 miles up and down the halls and stairwells. Here’s a shot of the rain while out to lunch.

Rainy Day Indoor Walk

It was raining this morning so I didn’t walk first thing. I ate a delicious breakfast of French toast and bacon. Then I waited a little while thinking the rain might let up but it didn’t. So I walked indoors today. I walked 2.54 miles up and down the halls and stairs. I really do not like walking indoors. Our building is supposed to be getting a gym sometime soon. When it rains I’ll walk on the treadmill. Until then, it’s indoors.

Almost Rained

Because of an early morning dentist appointment I had to walk in the afternoon. It was cloudy all day and I wasn’t sure if it was going to rain or not but I really wanted to get my 2 miles in. I walked up to the track at American University and started my walk. During the second lap around it did start to sprinkle a little but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I continued to walk. I walked 2.33 miles and the rain never came. It sure looked like it was going to rain though.

March Snow

It’s snowing again. We are supposed to get 5 to 9 inches of snow today. It started as ice in the middle of the night and transitioned to snow early this morning. It’s supposed to snow most of the day. I’ve got plenty of things to watch on my DVR.
In other news, I really enjoyed the Oscars last night. Ellen did an amazing job keeping things going and funny. She tweeted a picture out that quickly became the most re-tweeted tweet in history. I retweeted it too just to be part of the fun. I didn’t see any of the movies that were nominated but I did pick 50% of the winners correctly. I do want to see several of the movies and I probably will in the months to come.

Update: The snow finally stopped around 3:00 PM. In the end we got between 6 and 7 inches of snow. During the heaviest snow, I shot some video. Here’s what I saw.