Beautiful Snow

I went on another walk today and used my iPhone to take a few photos. I think this one was the best of the bunch. I think the blue sky in the background makes the photo beautiful.

Using the exercise app I walked 1.25 miles. I walked a total of 2.87 miles today.

Lots of Snow!

We ended up getting 11 inches of snow! We were very surprised when we woke up this morning. It was beautiful! We went on a snow walk to look at the snow. It was still snowing when we went on our walk.

Using the exercise app I walked 1.16 miles. I walked a total of 2.38 miles today.


It started to snow today. It is supposed to snow a good 4 to 8 inches overnight. We’ll see if it actually happens. Not sure if you can even see the snow in the picture but there are some flakes there.

I only walked a total of 1.02 miles today. I guess I was lazy.

Blue Wave

I stayed up late last night watching the election results. It was slow to happen but there was a blue wave in the House. The dems gained 37 seats in the house. Yay! But in the senate the dems actually lost a few seats. There are some still yet to be determined so the final number may take a few days. The dems also picked up lots of governorships across the country. That’s a good thing too!

Here’s what the leaves look like right outside our kitchen window. I think they are beautiful.

My father is on the decline. He is eating very little but is still drinking water and coffee. He still loves his coffee!

Using the exercise app I walked 2.26 miles outside. It’s getting cool so I’m enjoying getting outside again.

Voting Day

I drove home from Charlottesville today. I got home in time to go with my husband to vote. Of course we voted BLUE. We are really hoping for the blue wave to happen. I would love it if the dems took the house AND the senate but I know that’s a stretch. We went to the water front after voting and had a glass of wine. Then we went out to dinner. The sky was amazing while we were there. I took a ton of pictures of the sky. I have missed getting amazing pictures of the sky since I moved into DC. We don’t have a balcony and it’s difficult to see the sky unless you are outside. Seeing this sky reminded me of the days I would go out on my balcony and see an amazing sunset sky.

Not much of an update about my dad. When I left he was eating a little breakfast but was a little sluggish.

Using the exercise app I walked a 2.10 miles. That was good!