Crazy Weather

Today I went to a winery to talk with the winemaker, taste some wines and see the vineyards. The weather was crazy. It was 77 degrees in DC. By the time I got to Loudoun County it was 54 degrees. I wore shorts. I was freezing up there on the mountain. The wind was blowing really hard and there was a light rain hitting our faces. The wine was great and we learned a lot about the vineyards but I was freezing!

I walked 2.12 miles today.


It snowed all day today. We went out walking in the snow and took some pictures and looked for birds. Didn’t find any birds but took some great pictures. We also made a little video.

We walked 2.82 miles outside in the snow today.

It’s Snowing!

The snow started today. We are supposed to get up to 12 inches of snow. Most of it will fall tomorrow. This will be the biggest storm this season…even though today is the first day of spring! Happy Spring!

Today I walked 2.04 miles indoors.