Gorgeous Anniversary!

Today is our 3 year anniversary. We went on our first date 13 years ago today and 3 years ago today we got married! It was a gorgeous day today! It got up to 77 degrees and broke a record.

This evening we went out to dinner at Chef Geoff’s. We had our reception there after our wedding. We had a wonderful dinner and a very nice bottle of wine. It was a great day!

I walked 1.01 miles indoors today.


It was raining today so I didn’t get to walk outside. So I took this picture. I saw a video on YouTube about Instagram and it said that if you give your photos a blue tint they are supposed to get more likes. Not sure about that. But I went ahead and give this photo a blue tint and tagged it blue. It got 24 likes so far. I get a range of likes so I’m not sure it’s more or not.

2.05 miles inside today. I went on an actual walk up and down the stairs. I was tired.


Today we went to Linden Vineyards to enjoy a cellar tasting and to see what was new on the tasting menu in the main tasting room. We had a very nice time. While we were in the cellar doing our cellar tasting, it started to snow. We knew it was cold and knew it was going to snow but wasn’t expecting it to start so early. It started to stick right away. We hung around awhile and enjoyed some food and wine. Then we decided we should get going. We drove home in the slushy snow on 66. It was just a little scary. We got home fine though. It was so pretty to watch while we were at the winery. By the time we got home it had pretty much stopped and hadn’t accumulated very much in DC. Maybe an inch.

1.56 miles indoors because of the cold and snow.

Work Stopped Again

The screw extractor tool came yesterday but Valentine’s Day activities got in the way of getting back to the computer. So today I got back to it. I had no problem getting the screw out and taking the computer apart to get to the logic board. I started to remove the old capacitors but had a problem with the soldering iron. I spent most of the day working on this. I could not just heat them up and pull them out. After doing some more research I needed to get a DE-soldering iron. So I ordered it and it will come tomorrow which means at the end of the day when I need to spend time with my husband so this won’t get touched again until probably Saturday afternoon or Sunday. Ugh! I hate not having the tools I need to get these things done. It will get done though.

1.88 miles indoors today. Although the temperature got up to 71 degrees today I didn’t get outside because of some intermittent rain. Later in the afternoon I did get outside and enjoyed the temps and walked half a mile. The temperature broke a record at Dulles Airport when it got up to 76 degrees. Too warm for mid February.

Rainy Day

It’s been raining all day today. It was supposed to start out as snow and turn to ice but here in the city we have only seen rain. Just 45 minutes away they had snow and ice. Because of that the husband had the day off. We were pretty lazy today. I ended up walking inside. I walked 2.16 miles today. It was a good walking day.