Indoor Walk

The sun came out today but it was still very cold. It did warm up a bit to 43 degrees this afternoon but it felt cold. I walked indoors again today. I walked 2.16 miles. here’s a shot of the sun through the window.

Snow Walk

It snowed about an inch overnight. My husband didn’t have to go to work today. We had a leisurely breakfast and relaxed most of the day. I did go on a walk in the building and walked 2.14 miles. Then in the evening we went to The Grilled Oyster Company for dinner. It was date night!


It’s been really cold lately! Today I ran errands and on my way back over the Potomac river I noticed it was frozen. While stopped in traffic I pointed my camera to the river and snapped a picture. Not the best but you can see that it’s pretty frozen.

1.66 miles today.

Snow Walk

It snowed last night. We only got about 1 inch but it was enough to get my husband out of school. I walked inside today. I walked 2.03 miles. But instead of taking yet another picture of the hallway, I stuck the camera out the kitchen window to show what it looked like today. I love how the sun is hitting the tops of the trees in the afternoon.