
I haven’t talked about it yet, but the cicadas are here. I haven’t really noticed them but I have been aware of all the news reports about them. If you don’t have them in your area of the country, be glad. This week they have really come out in force. The ground temperature must have reached the 64 degrees that is needed for them to emerge. I noticed them today more then ever. The noise hasn’t started yet, but they have come out of the ground, come out of their shells, and are now all over the place. On the field past the playground my students were all running around trying to catch them and watch them. That part of our property hasn’t been disturbed in the last 20 years so they have had the perfect place to come alive. I walked up to that end of the property with the students today and there must be hundreds and hundreds of wholes where they have come out of the ground. There are shells all over the place. It’s amazing to see. I do remember when they were here the last time and I even remember when I was 5 or 6 and the cicadas came out. Although, I think I remember the sound they made more then what they looked like. The sound hasn’t begun yet but supposedly in a few days the noise will be deafening. Something to look forward to.

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