Today’s episode is on cooking breakfast for dinner. This is a simple task if you have all the ingredients and you know what you’re doing.
Our special guest Chef, Homer decided to cook pancakes, eggs, and hash browns for Archerr. Homer shredded the potatoes, put oil in the pan, and began frying them up. Uh, oh, did you forget to drain the excess water from the shredded potatoes before putting them in the pan? If this happens, you will soon get mush. While Homer was working on the potatoes, Archerr combined the rare, and unusual organic ingredients to make the pancake batter. Once the griddle was at the precise temperature (350 degrees F for those who need this information), Archerr ladled the battery onto the griddle in the shape of of the solar system paying close attention to the size of each planet and not forgetting Uranus.
After the commercial break, Homer, our guest chef, realized the hash browns were turning into potato pancakes. Being the flexible and experienced chef that he is, suggested we continue cooking the hash browns on the griddle and turning them into potato pancakes. Brilliant! Once the potatoes were on the griddle with the pancakes, Homer moved his attention to the eggs from caged free chickens. After a quick whip with a whisk he began stirring the eggs while the heat began turing them into fluffy piles. Archerr continued creating the solar system and managing the potato pancakes at the same time. Would all the buffet items be ready at the same time. Stay tuned!
After our final commercial break, we see Homer spooning the fluffy piles of caged free scrambled eggs decoratively onto two shiny dinner plates. At the same time, Archerr is retrieving the last of the honey brown pancakes from the solar system and adding them to each plate. Finally, the hash browns which are now potato pan cakes are added on the side. With the right condiments, and the right vintage of apple juice, the meal was complete. Archerr and Homer sit down with napkins on laps and begin the feast. The smells, the flavors, the atmosphere…just divine! Well worth the work.
But who will clean up the kitchen?