I did my taxes earlier this week and I’m getting a decent refund this year. Of course I will apply most of it to my credit card, and put some in savings but I decided to spend a little as well. I’ve been thinking about the iPod Touch for awhile now. I’ve always said it would be the perfect little computer if it could do all the the things the iPhone could do but without the phone. And of course Apple recently released an update to the iPod Touch that does just that. So…I went ahead and ordered the iPod Touch. I got a notification today that it shipped. It should arrive early next week.
At the time I ordered mine you could get the 8 gig or the 16 gig model. I went with the 16 gig model. Of course since then Apple released the 32 gig model. While I would love to have the 32 gig model, it’s a bit too expensive for 16 more gigs of ram. I think the 16 gig model will be plenty for me. It’s not that I plan on watching movies on it all that much. I really want it for the internet access and all the little functions it can do. I think I’ll use the notes, mail, and maps the most.
Anyway, in a few days I’ll have yet another iPod to add to my collection. Wasn’t it just a few months ago that I was buying the iPod Nano?