Throwback Thursday

I thought I would join the trend and post something from the past. Here I am in 1980 when I turned 16. Obviously my twin brother turned 16 as well. At that time we had family birthdays all the time. As you can see in the picture, no one looks too excited to be there…even my father!

New iPhones

yellowiphoneToday Apple introduced two new iPhones…the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c. There are several new features on the iPhone 5s like the finger print security, improved camera, faster processor, etc. but I think it’s the iPhone 5c that I like best. I love the new design and color schemes. It’s basically an iPhone 5, yes, but I think it looks better. I really like the yellow one! I won’t be getting one though. I’m in the middle of a two year contract that won’t be up until next August. Plus I never get the intermediate iPhones when they are released. I always get the whole number iPhones. So I won’t be upgrading until the iPhone 6 is released next year.

I could go on and on about the new iPhones but I’m simply too tired. I started back to work for the 27th year a week ago and it’s been killing me. I’m exhausted ever evening. I bring home school work every night. I haven’t even watched the Keynote Address from today’s event. Yes, I’m still a very loyal Apple fan but I just don’t have the energy or the time to devote to watching an hour and a half video about the new iPhone. Plus, I have too much work to do. I only have time to update the blog with this simple update. So…are you planning on getting one of the new iPhones?

Flying Squirrel

The flying squirrel is back. He’s been coming to my bird feeder all summer and nibbling the seeds. I don’t try to scare him away or discourage him from eating the seeds. I figure that if he has the ability to climb seven floors to reach the bird feeder, he deserves to have a few seeds. Now that its Labor Day and the weather will be changing soon I wonder if he’ll continue to come by. We’ll see.

Should We Strike?

syriaPresident Obama today said he would seek the approval of congress before moving against Syria. Last week Syria allegedly used chemical weapons against its own people to subdue the uprising against President Assad and his regime. The outrage in the world leads one to believe that it is the United States that needs to do something. For humanitarian reasons something needs to be done to stop Assad from killing the people of Syria. But does it need to be the United States leading the charge? I know there are greater reasons for getting rid of Assad. The United States has military and economic reasons for acting against Syria besides the humanitarian focus.

I don’t know why I have been following this and thinking about this so much in the past few days. I just don’t think we should be getting into yet another conflict in the middle east. We have spent billions of dollars and lost many Americans in the effort to fix what’s wrong in the middle east. I have such mixed feelings. I know something needs to be done. But I just don’t think we need to be the country to do it. Right now it seems like we’d be going at it alone. The United Kingdom has already voted against joining the United States against Syria. There were protests today all across the globe against the United States taking any action.

I began to think about the Bush Doctrine when I heard the United States was ready to take action against Syria. I understand there are several meanings of the Bush Doctrine but the one I think about (from Wikipedia, and I know what people say about Wikipedia) is this:

“Different pundits would attribute different meanings to “the Bush Doctrine”, as it came to describe other elements, including the policy of preventive war, which held that the United States should depose foreign regimes that represented a potential threat to the security of the United States, even if that threat was not immediate; a policy of spreading democracy around the world, especially in the Middle East, as a strategy for combating terrorism; and a willingness to unilaterally pursue U.S. military interests.”

Is this what we’d be doing if we began a strike and possible war against Syria? I don’t know. There are details about this whole problem that I am probably not aware of. All I know is I don’t want the United States to enter yet another conflict in the middle east. I just think we need to concentrate our efforts at home. There is so much more that can be done in our own country. But at the same time I know something needs to be done for the innocent people of Syria. Its all very complicated. Do you have any strong feelings one way or another on the United States taking a lead on striking against Syria?